Chapter 95

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Happy Holidays! 🎄❤️

Kat's POV

White. My eyes open to a blinding, white ceiling. I squint in an attempt to stop the burning sensation in my pupils, my vision blurring slightly. I tap my fingers against the hard, hospital bed, waking them up one by one. I push myself into a sitting position, the wires attached to me tangling around me. I pull them all out and throw them aside. My foot touches the cold tile of the floor, sending shivers up my leg and throughout my body. My other foot joins in, and I'm now sitting up and facing the door. I look through the window from where I am, but all I see are nurses frantically rushing around.

I somewhat hop onto the ground, my legs shaking. I feel like I haven't walked in years, and I have to hold onto the wall for support. I stop, my eyes traveling down my arms and landing on my wrists. Stupid, stupid girl. My hand weakly fumbles with the door knob until it finally opens. Outside the door, I expect to see them all waiting for me, but the chairs are empty. I sigh in pain, walking down the long hallway seemingly unnoticed. A nurse walks in my direction, and I hold my breath knowing that I'm caught. I'm surprised when she walks right by me without a word.

I head to the waiting room, and my heart sinks when I see everyone. My mother and Cameron hold hands, and I can tell how hard Cameron is squeezing by the slightly pained look on her face. Hayes sits on the floor, neck bent over the seat of the chair and eyes glued to the ceiling. And then I study him. He's staring straight ahead, fingers clamped together and foot incessantly tapping on the tile floor. His red eyes mirror everyone else's, and he's sat so still that I can't tell if he's breathing.

I gulp, walking over to them slowly. When they don't look up, I kneel in front of Nash, putting a hand on his knee.

"Nash," I whisper.

He doesn't respond.

"Nash." I shake him.

When nothing happens, I look at Hayes, calling his name. I stand up, grabbing my brother by the shoulders and screaming at him to acknowledge me.

"Frustrating, isn't it?"

I shudder, slowly turning around.

"Charlie?" I ask reluctantly, straightening up.

"We finally meet." She smiles softly.

I take a step back, my heartbeat accelerating as realization hits me.

"Am... am I..?"

"Not quite," she responds, taking a step towards me. "You're somewhere in the middle."

"But how are you here?" I ask.

"It's your mind, Kat. I guess I'm the only dead person you know," she tells me, and I look around.

"So all of this is fake?" I ask her.

She laughs, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"That's for you to decide."

Charlie turns and walks out of the waiting room, and I call her name as I run after her. When I exit the room, I suddenly step into the halls of my high school. Everyone is huddled in a group near my locker, and I look at Charlie in confusion.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now