Chapter 87

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I've been super busy because... I've started editing a published version of Soulmate! I don't know if or how it will get published... But I'm going to work hard so that one day you might just see it on a shelf and think... Hmm I helped make that happen. Because you guys did... And I can't thank you enough.

The car ride home is spent in tension-filled silence. I keep my telling eyes trained out the window, afraid he'll read me instantly if I sneak a glance at him. Nevertheless, from the corner of my eye, I spot him anxiously tapping his fingers against the smooth material of the steering wheel. His lips are pursed with thought and his ocean-blue eyes are focused on the road ahead. I don't dare speak, but only hope that the radio somehow reads my desperate mind and turns on by itself to fill the awkward silence.

"So how was therapy?" he speaks up, and my head whips around to look at him.

"It was fine," I say after a few seconds, lining his chiseled features with my eyes.

"Fine?" he questions, and I look away before I'm drowned in his gaze.

"Yes, fine," I confirm, but I can feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of my face.

For a moment, I think he's let it go. I let out a breathe and lean back in my seat a little, closing my eyes at the sudden calmness that washes over me.

"So what did you guys talk about?" he asks, and I roll my eyes at his persistence.

"Confidential," I say simply, and he scoffs.

"What could you have told her that I don't already know?"

"Confidential things," I say, mentally slapping myself.

"You didn't talk, did you?" He catches me.

"Yes I did." I try to conjure up the few words I muttered before taking off into the street.

"You didn't talk, though."

"Can you drop it?" I look at him, and he flinches back at my sudden outburst.

"Fine," he says, and I'm about to relax again before he says, "How was school?"

I subconsciously adjust the bracelets I had scrambled to pick up from the street. All of a sudden, the car swerves forcefully to the right and stops. I hit the window hard, and Nash storms out of the car. My shaking hand struggles to find the door handle, and I go after him.

"What in the fucking hell was that?!" I scream at him.

"Take off your bracelets," he says calmly.


"Take off your fucking bracelets or I will rip them in half." His voice becomes as deadly as the look in his eyes.

"You don't want to see it," I tell him.

"Yes I do," he insists.

"It will just make you irrational and-"

"Irrational?! I'm irrational?!"

"Angry," I finish.

"Take them off, Katya."

I shudder at the use of my full name. Reluctantly, I peel the cheap rubber from my skin, rubbing the reddened area. Nash walks towards me, determination laced with intimidation sparkling in his eyes. He grabs my wrist forcefully and I wince. Turning it over, he inspects the damage, eyes tracing the marks carefully. I yank my arm away.

"Why?" he asks.

"Why not?"

"Don't be stubborn."

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now