Chapter 72

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Broken Home by 5 Seconds of Summer is this book's official theme song... I have something big planned a few chapters ahead muahaha...😈 Don't forget to commentttt! ❤️

I wake up to a familiar, tear-stained pillow complemented with black smudges. I groan until my alarm clock shuts off, my lazy self plopping back into bed immediately after. I have absolutely no motivation to get up and go to a place where everyone hates me. As if sensing my dilemma, Cameron strides in with a heavy sigh.

"Can't I have today off?" I mumble into my pillow.

"You've had two days to relax." He sits down beside me.

"I'd hardly call those days relaxing," I say.

"Kat, c'mon. You've missed enough school, I'm surprised they haven't kicked you out already," Cameron tells me, nudging me gently.

"Can't I just drop out? I don't even pay attention anymore."

"Hey, if it were up to me, I'd take you out in a heartbeat. But I'm not your parent."

"You're more of one than my real parents," I tell him, sitting up a little.

"I know..."

"I don't think I've had a decent conversation with mom in weeks," I say.

"Me neither," he tells me.

"When did things get so screwed up Cam? I mean they were screwed up before, but this..."

"Come here," he says gently, pulling me into a hug.

"In a year when you turn eighteen, we'll get out of here together. You and me," he says.

"Out of Chino?" I ask him.

"Out of Chino for sure. Maybe Los Angeles?"

My face lights up.

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course I do. But if you don't get your grades up, it's gonna be delayed another year," he says.

My heart drops, knowing all of my grades have plummeted since the incident.

"Okay... I'll get them up, I promise," I tell him.

"Good, now hurry or you're gonna be late."

And with that, Cameron leaves me alone with my self-doubting thoughts. As I get ready, I think about how on Earth I'm going to catch up when the school year is almost finished and my grades are at a D level. I sigh, running my fingers through my unruly locks. I know one thing for sure; I will get out of this broken home if it's the last thing I do.

The drive to my school is shorter than I remember. The large sign almost suffocates me as I stare at it, each daunting letter challenging me to go inside and meet my cruel fate. I nervously rub my sweaty palms on my ripped jeans, gulping as the car comes to a stop. My breathing increases rapidly, the grip on my thighs getting tighter and tighter.

"You ready?" Cameron asks me.

I look over at him, eyes wide with fear. He sighs before shaking his head.

"That's it," he mumbles, opening the car door.

"What are you doing?" I ask, getting out as well.

"I'm coming with you," he states as if it were obvious.

"You'll get mobbed," I say.

"I don't give a shit," he says, putting a protective arm around my shoulder as we walk.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now