Chapter 1

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Song for this Chapter : Intro - Ariana Grande

"Magcon?" I question my ecstatic brother.

"Yes Magcon! Me and eight other guys were chosen from vine to tour in different states and meet our fans!" His face lights up when he talks.

"And you want me to go because..?"

"Because I love you," he replies.

"Cameron," I demand the truth, rolling my eyes.

"And mom won't let me go without you..."

"That's what I thought."

"Please Kat! I'll do anything!" Cameron begs me.

"You're doing my chores for two months," I tell him.

"Deal! Thank you so much! We leave tomorrow for Texas!"

He practically tackles me in his hug and runs off to tell our mom I agreed to go; more like chaperone. Granted I'm sixteen and Cam is nineteen, but I'm the mature one. I always knew my brother was somewhat famous, but I never imagined that it would get this far. I wonder what kinds of girls would pay good money to meet a couple of boys who make six second videos; especially when one of them is my brother. I hear screams of joy from the other room and can't help myself from laughing. This must mean a lot to him if he's willing to go through this much trouble for our parent's consent.

"I'm going to pack!" I hear Cameron shout from the top of the stairs.

"Cam, we don't leave until tomorrow," I remind him.

"I can't wait that long!" he yells happily.

I sigh and plop down on the couch.

"That was really nice of you, Kat." My mom appears behind me.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I know he can get on your nerves sometimes, but I'm glad you're willing to try to get along."

"Mom, I swear if he annoys me, I won't hesitate to bring his ass back here," I threaten.

"Language Katya," she scolds me.

I laugh when she shakes her head and walks away. I realize that I don't even know who the other boys are, so I run upstairs to ask Cameron.

"Hey Cam? Who are the other boys going with us?"

He pulls out his phone and searches a name in google images.

"That's Aaron Carpenter," he says, showing me a picture of the curly haired boy.

"Carter Reynolds," he tells me while I take notice he wears a lot of snap backs.

"Jack and Jack."

"They're both named Jack?" I ask.

"Weird right?" I notice the blonde one's sparkling eyes. He's cute.

"Shawn Mendes. He's a singer." He shows me pictures of him with a guitar. Really cute.

"Taylor Caniff." He shows me pictures, mostly shirtless, and may I say wow.

"Matthew Espinosa. We call him Matt." He shows me pictures of the look alike Bieber.

Really, really cute.

"And Nash Grier," he says as I stare into baby blue eyes.

How am I going to control myself around all of these hot guys?

"So... are you excited?" he asks and continues packing.

"Well let's see, I get to sit backstage while my older brother makes girls swoon. Fun."

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now