Chapter 70

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I freeze. Every single fiber of my being freezes at that one word; the one word that will change my life forever.


It replays in my mind over and over again until I'm unable to think of anything else; unwilling to think of anything else.


I haven't blinked. I only stare at the person who uttered the awful word in shock. I'm sweating, though I don't feel the beads of sweat drip down my forehead. I'm shaking, yet my body doesn't physically move at all. I'm completely frozen.


The thought of the word makes me want to rip my ears off so I never have to hear it again. I think I'm crying now, though my face is numb from disbelief. I notice I'm standing now, yet I don't remember doing so.


It's louder this time, almost as if everyone in the courthouse is chanting it. My eyes scan the jury, though I don't remember moving my head to look back. Then my gaze stops, and though the rest of my body is numb, the one thing I can feel is my heart breaking.

"Guilty," she says.

I open my mouth to say something, though nothing comes out. I shake my head, though I don't process the motion of doing so. She continues to stare at me with her once soft, brown eyes until I hear another voice.

"Guilty," he says, standing up as well.

I stare at Cameron in disbelief, my mouth hanging open slightly. They repeat it simultaneously, another person joining in each time.

"Stop." I cover my ears, blinking back the unwanted weakness that fills my eyes.

"Guilty," they all chant, louder and louder until they're screaming at the top of their lungs.

"No I'm not!" I scream at them.

They begin to walk towards me, the treacherous word continuously falling from their synchronized lips. I back up until I'm against the wall, my shaky hands still glued to my once innocent ears.

"Guilty!" they scream as they corner me, thrashing me with their hands and nails.

"I didn't do it!" I yell, shrinking down against the wall until I'm on the floor, curled up in a ball.

"I didn't do it."

I shoot up from the bed, a huge gasp escaping my lips. My chest heaves up and down as I regain conscientiousness, my heart beating out of my chest. I sigh, wiping the sweat off my forehead before plopping back down on the uncomfortable mattress.

"You get those a lot." I hear my roommate say.

"Get what?" I ask, though I already know.

"Those nightmares. Every Goddamn night," he says, somewhat annoyed.

"Sorry if my pain annoys you," I retort, crossing my arms under my head.

I hear him chuckle as he sits up on his bed, looking over at me.

"Today's your big day, isn't it?" he asks.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now