Chapter 39

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I'm under my bed. He drags his long, metal rifle behind him, gently scraping the floor. I can see Cameron across the hall hiding under his bed as well. The rifle scratching against the hardwood of our home is all I can hear. He had told us that we'd be playing hide and seek. We were to leave the basement and find somewhere to hide while he counted. I wanted to hide with Cameron, but he wouldn't allow it. The heavy footsteps of his boots can be heard down the hallway; getting closer. Cameron looks at me and nods reassuringly, though there is nothing reassuring about the situation we are in.

"Ready or not, here I come," he says in a low, raspy voice.

I hear him move some things around in the kitchen and the living room trying to find us. Suddenly a phone rings, and I fear it's mine. I almost let out a sigh of relief when I realize it's the home phone.

"Hello?" I hear him answer.

"The kids are fine, don't worry. Stay as long as you need."

"Alright, love you too. Bye." The call ends.

"That stupid bitch." He chuckles, and I almost walk over there and slap him.


His dirty boots come into view and I hold my breath. They turn towards me and walk into my room. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from crying and look over at Cameron whose eyes are wide with worry for me.

"Kitty Kat," he says disgustingly, "come out, come out wherever you are."

He searches through my bathroom and closet before stopping in front of my bed. I see his knees start to bend and I look to Cameron. Cameron closes his eyes before hitting the bottom of his bed, making a loud noise.


"Wow Cameron," he says, "you just royally screwed yourself."

He walks towards Cameron's room and I look around for something, anything that I can use. I see a rubber ball a few inches away from the bed. While he has his back turned to me, I slowly crawl out from under the bed and put a pillow there, leaving my shoes. I then grab the rubber ball and throw it at him, diving behind my door before he turns around.

"You're going to pay for that," he threatens.

He paces back into my room as I watch him from the crack of my door. My back is pressed against the corner of my room, and I know that if I move, I'm caught. I see him look under my bed and smirk.

"Got you," he says before pulling my shoes out from under the bed.

"What?" He raises his voice.

He begins to pull out the pillow as I slowly slide out from my hiding place behind the door. I take a quiet, deep breath before kicking him, causing him to lose his balance and hit his head on the wooden exterior of my bed. I take off running down the hallway and hear him yell, "Bitch!" I hear him load his gun as his heavy footsteps come after me while I look frantically for somewhere to hide. If he sees me, it's over. I result to sprinting into a bathroom and locking the door behind me.

What do I do, what do I do?

I look around for something to defend myself with, but all I find are useless cosmetics. I hear him walking around outside the door and close my eyes.

Think, you've got to think.

I step away from the door when I hear the doorknob jiggle.

Soulmate (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier/ Matthew Espinosa/ Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now