The Garden-Spinich

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No, not the vegetable.

It's a ship with Finch and Specs! I wasn't sure on the ship name and I thought this was funny.

@_annanymous_ told me about this ship so thank you!


Specs was watering the plants in their garden—not really. They planted and watered plants for the school's garden, but no one actually helped—humming the same song they heard that morning. The radio seemed to be repetitive, so silence was the best they had.

They sort of liked the quiet, though. They often weren't thinking when it was quiet. It was so soundless, they basked in it until it went away. It seemed best to do that while doing what you love.

The sun beating on their dark skin, their clothes nearly soaked through, and they had yet to care. Their main focus was to keep these flowers alive. And that requires some shade.

It was too hot outside. If they didn't come out here and water them everyday, they probably would've died. Specs would've cried, Romeo, Mush, and Davey would've had to console, and then they start all over again. They didn't want that.

So yes, they were going to hum and sing and whisper nice things until these flowers grow as tall as they can.

"And you grow, and grow, and grow", Specs sings quietly, pouring water on an aster. "And I know, and know, and know.

"You will be so pretty", they held the note for a while, smiling when the watering was done. Growing flowers in May was tough.

"Pretty song." Specs gasped and looked beside them, finding their boyfriend.

"Hey", they sighed, a relieved smile on their face. Finch, their boyfriend—and the best, in their opinion—sat down next to them, kissing their cheek.

"Hi, love", he greeted, a smile growing across their face. "What are you doing?"

"I am singing to the flowers", Specs sighs, smiling at him. "It's been kind of tough this season, so I'm giving them encouragement."

Finch bit his lips to stop themself from laughing. "That's cute."

Specs rolled their eyes, standing up and dusting off the grass and dirt from their skirt. "Let's go. I have to sing to the grapes."

Finch didn't hide his laughter that time and stood up, following Specs quickly. He was supposed to be in class right now, but skipping was too tempting, and they already finished all of their work, so why not hang out with his partner during their free period. He had something to ask anyway.

"Hello, grapes", Specs mumbles, singing slightly. "Today you will be getting lots of water."

Finch stands by them, his hands in his pockets. They looked so pretty doing what they loved, in their element. "You look very pretty today."

Specs smiled, glancing up at their boyfriend. "Thank you. You look handsome."

Finch chuckled, shrugging the compliment away. He felt heat rise to his cheeks as he licked his lips, the sun streaming into his eyes. That didn't stop him from staring directly at Specs, however. "How do you water grapes?"

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