Work Out-Sprace, Javid

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Oh, the amount of jealous!Davey that will go into this chapter...prepare yourselves lol

Credits go to Sour_Candy2024


Davey hummed as he grabbed his phone, the device vibrating in his hand before he answered the call. Placing the phone to his ear, he smiled pleasantly with a, "Hey, Race."

"'Sup, Davey?" The blonde was pacing around his living area, antsy with boredom. He had nothing to do. Spot was at the gym this morning, working out with Jack—something they started doing when Spot and Race got engaged. He knew they only did it to intimidate each other, but at least they were spending time together. "How are you?"

"I'm fine", Davey answered shortly. He walked to his closet and grabbed his black Vans, moving to the bed, and sitting down. He pressed his phone between his ear and his shoulder. "You?"

"I'm so bored, Dave", Race sighed, crossing his arms. He was itching for something to do, but when you live in the city long enough, especially as an adult, there isn't much for you to do. "I might die."

Davey chuckled at his friend's dramatics, tying his shoe laces. This was very on brand for Race, avoiding the chores he needed to do—it was the blonde's week for groceries and dishes—because they weren't fun enough to stall his boredom. "I think I know what you can do."


"I was just about grab some food for Jack", Davey sighs, pulling the tongues of his shoes to make sure they were secure. "I guess I was gonna grab Spot something, too. You could come with me."

Race blinked, processing what Davey said. He couldn't believe someone would ask such a stupid question. "How could you ask such a stupid question?"

"Excuse me?"

"Spot and Jack are working out", Race whispered, as if he would cause a scandal if he said it aloud. "At the gym."

"Yeah, so?" The line went silent for a moment, but Race hadn't hung up. Davey furrowed his brows, his gears turning rather slowly before his light bulb lit up, and his face flushed slightly. "Oh."

"Yes, oh!"

"Race, you horn dog!"

"I can't help it if my fiancé is hot!" Race justified, moving toward his own closet. He sighed as he grabbed his ratted sneakers, moving onto the floor to put them on. "Blame, like, his mom."

"You just said your fiancé's mom is hot."

"I didn't, but the apple didn't fall too far from the tree on that one. I still wonder how the hell his dad cuffed her."

Davey sighed exasperatedly, both from amusement and disgust. He couldn't believe he was willing to pick up this guy, but he was also excited. "What time should I pick you up?"

"I mean, I'm ready now", Race shrugged, standing up after he tied his shoes. He sniffled and walked into the bathroom, grabbing his deodorant. "Whenever you're ready."

"See you soon, then", Davey bid, hanging up the phone before Race could respond. He felt a little bad he didn't let the younger get a chance to say goodbye, but he knew Race wouldn't mind. He was probably too focused on dreaming of Spot's abs.

Davey shook his head, trying to figure out why he's thinking about his friend's boyfriend's abs. It was a genuinely intrusive thought, and Davey didn't like it.

He sighed as he opened the front door, grabbing his keys on his way out. "Jack's abs are better, anyway."


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