Finally! The Wedding-Ikeshot

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Just a repost from the Chatfic!



Ike was a modest man.

He never wanted to pull attention onto him, away from others who deserved it, and he never bragged on his achievements, posing them as nothing but footnotes in his history. It was a trait people praised him for, adored him for it, and he was content with it.

But he had to admit that he looked incredibly handsome.

"You clean up nice", Micheal complimented, smiling at his brother through a mirror. Ike grinned back at him, still in shock at the sight in front of him. "This is making me emotional."

"Well, you're the more emotional between us, Mikey", Ike reasoned, turning his body in different angles in the mirror, just to make sure everything was perfectly in place. Mike chuckled.

Mike always imagined he and his brother would marry on the same day—a silly daydream he knew would never be acted on, but it comforted him when thinking about his future the same way a teddy bear allows a child to sleep. He liked the image of standing next to his twin, JoJo and Hotshot in front of them, as they said their vows in front of all of their friends and family, with a wedding out of a fairytale. Yet, plans tend to change, and now his twin brother was getting married.

He wondered how his mother must feel. "God, you're finally getting married."

"Yeah", Ike mumbled softly, sighing out a breath blocked by a bundle of nerves. "It's...I don't know what to say. It feels like a dream come true but I'm nervous as hell."

"I'm sure that's normal", Mike assured, doing his best to comfort Ike. "I bet Hotshot's just as much of a mess."

Ike chuckled at the idea of a nervous and pacing Hotshot, a complete opposite of someone he knew to be collected and cool at all times. He was sure that if his husband were to be shot in the leg, he'd be the one to treat himself, and would make a full recovery.

Then it hit him what exactly Mike was hinting at. "I'm not a mess! I'm completely calm."

The twins turned around to catch their cousin, Alana, walking into the room, sighing as she closed the door behind her. "There are too many people out there. All of them are like "Where's Isaac? Can we see him? Por que estas tu lo ocultarse?" I'm done! Let Auntie deal with them."

Mike and Ike laughed at her, walking over to where where she stood and embracing her with a hug reserved for those who've known you since before your teeth came in and you learned how to swear without anyone knowing. To think they'd known each other that long, had seen each other through it all, and were now about to set foot over a line they'd only dreamed about. It was overwhelming, but welcome.

"I can't believe you're getting married." Alana pulled herself away from the hug, looking over her little cousin. "I thought you were gonna die young or live with a bunch of cats."

"Ha, ha", Ike deadpanned and shoved his brother, who couldn't help but to laugh. "You guys act like I don't have a heart."

"Well", Mike started, placing a hand on Ike's shoulder, and placing a worried look in his eye, "you had us worried for a bit, honey. We almost started an intervention."

Ike provided his gratitude for their worry through a middle finger.


"I wanna see my fiancé", Hotshot whined for what felt like the twelfth time, and Spot was considering hitting him over the head with a frying pan. They'd have to reschedule the wedding if he didn't stop repeating himself. "How is it fair that everyone gets to see what he looks like but me?"

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