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I begin writing this at 4:36am, and will finish it sometime tomorrow.




-Aromantic (Placioromantic)

-He fixes things a lot. Like, he tinkers. Taking pens apart, fixing cars, remotes—anything. It's a secret thing of his.

-He likes to say he doesn't really have a love language when it's honestly quality time. He likes spending time with people. Just being in the same room as one of his friends makes him happy and comfortable.

-Somewhere, in his room, is a stuffed animal. He doesn't sleep with it, but he does bid it Goodnight on occasion.

-Hates mint chocolate chip ice cream. He calls it an abomination.

-He doesn't really believe in gaydar, therefore it's awful.

-He and Graves are cousins and best friends.

-He's the only person that will let hotshot ramble about how much he loves Ike. The stories can get kind of long, but he's just glad to be there.

-Actually, he hates mint in general.

-When he was five, he said he had a girlfriend and he laughs whenever he thinks about it because now he knows he's gay.

-Some people say he reminds them of the color black, but he's more of the color brown. Bold, grounded, and earthy. That, or red.


-He keeps his eye covered at all times. He thinks it looks scary, even though Mush said it doesn't bother him.

-He went through an emo phase and I will continue to say that

-His biggest ick is when guys try to tell him what it is to be a man. He tells them to rent an apartment in New York and kiss a man.

-He's in love with Mush. He truly believes they're soulmates.

-Gay. Gay, gay, gay.
His parents kicked him out for it when he was 15.

-He has a distinct smell? Well, everyone does, but his is just stronger? My point is he smells like wood, rain, and day old coffee.

-He questions a lot of things. It annoys everyone because they think he's messing around when he's serious.

-Still loves MCR even though that part of him is gone.


-He likes pansexual jokes, but he doesn't make them.

-Gleek, I'm calling it.

-His favorite musical is West Side Story, but he doesn't think it should be revived on Broadway.

-His family is really complicated, so he doesn't really tell people that he's half Puerto Rican. His dad left him and his mom kicked him out, so he considers it part of his past.

-I feel like he wouldn't eat hotdogs. He just doesn't like them.

-He doesn't have any storage on his phone because he screenshots everything.

-He's a nice kind of sarcastic. He laughs after a sarcastic statement and then corrects the person.

-His best friends are Davey, Specs, and Books. They have a little club!

-His favorite number is seven. (It's one of my favorites I'll explain it in the comments lol.)


-Hard of hearing

-He's also asexual.

-He doesn't really like talking about his hearing problems, and often doesn't tell people when his ears bother him, but Specs and Crutchie always make sure he's okay.

-He prefers to read over watching TV.

-He does have a crush on a certain Brooklyn boy that delivered him and his friends pizza at Les' birthday....He was wearing red.

-He's a little standoffish but an overall nice guy.

-He and Snipeshooter argue and pick on each other all the time. They really are best friends, though.


-He's flirty. Gets it from his brother.

-He looks up to Jack a lot. Except, he can flirt with anyone.

-He's bisexual, and still struggling to be proud of it. He loves Books, but he's still trying to figure himself out.

-He and Sally are best friend, despite having dated.

-Blankets, blankets, blankets. And sweats. He likes being comfortable.

-He sleeps over the comforter, so his bed is always made. Maybe a little messy, but made.

-He LOVES pizza. Like, loves. He could live off of pizza.

-He's not a big fan of school. He used to really like it, but then he got older.

-He does drama in high school with Sally. Books comes to all his shows.


-She doesn't stay in Manhattan. She's usually with Smalls in the Bronx

-She actually has better aim than Finch and the Brooklyn boys combined. They always have competitions.

-When Jack came out to her, she went "Yeah, you didn't know?" and immediately apologized after.

-She has a fashion sense that revolves around street fashion, and she and Smalls dress amazingly. Like, every outfit is stunning.

-Honestly just a ball of sunshine, but not part of the Sunshine Squad bc she doesn't hang out with the boys. She's technically an honorary member.

-Her favorite color is blue.

-I think she'd be allergic to oranges.

-She carries around travel fans because of the trips she goes on with the girls and younger boys. She's the one that suggests they should go on scary rides or talk to sketch people.


-She takes her job very seriously, even though it's irrelevant since she's not in high school anymore.

-Health nut. Drinks water, smoothies—anything to make her healthier. But she can make burgers like no one can.

-If she wanted to, she could box professionally. Her dad taught her how to before he died, and she always remembered how.

-Buff Smalls buff Smalls buff Smalls

-Head over heels for Sniper. Like, she's seriously in love with that girl, and it's so sweet.

-Sniper is her first girlfriend, or partner at all. She was never really interested in a relationship before, but she loves Sniper.

-Hates mayonnaise with a passion.

-She really likes hot sauce and spicy food in general. She puts it on everything!

-She seems to never get sick. There's no reason why she doesn't but she never gets sick. And she barely gets allergies—it doesn't make sense.


I know I have more characters to do, but I can't remember them all. Please tell me what characters I missed! Or what character you'd like to see.

Were these okay? I know some people may not agree with these.

Thanks for reading!

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