Resumé for Situationship-Spalbert

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I don't have any motivation to write at the moment, so I figured "Hey, might as well write that coffee date from the last oneshot". Plus, Spalbert is a really great ship. I love it's energy.

Also, more on Albert's hearing: He's completely deaf in one ear and has partial hearing in the other, although it's not the best. He can really only hear extremely loud sounds, so he uses a hearing aid. He says he's hard of hearing rather than Deaf because that's how he seems himself, and that's okay.

So, I hope you enjoy!!


Albert was aware that waking up two hours early for a date was pathetic in its own right, proving that he was more excited than he'd like to let people know. It's not as if fatigue wasn't sticking to his bones, having spent the dark morning gushing with his best friends.

He sighed as he glanced at the time again, shaking his head at himself. It's not even eight-thirty. "Racer?"

"What?" Albert furrowed his brows as he didn't hear a response, confusion building in his chest. Race should be awake by now, seeing as it was past eight in the morning, and the blonde had work at nine-thirty. Albert called him again. "What?!"

"Dude, are you still sleeping?" Albert asked to no one in particular, getting up from his place at their small dining table. He made his way to Race's room, hoping he wasn't sleeping in, but stopped at the bathroom, watching as Race brushed his teeth. "Oh, hey. I thought you were still sleeping. I called you twice."

"Maybe my voice was muffled", Race responded, glancing at Albert, who's hand was currently pinching the space between his eyes and sighing as he looked up. Race smirked amusedly, signing, "You forgot your hearing aid."

"I know", Albert muttered, throwing his head back frustratedly. He made his way from the bathroom doorway, shouting, "I feel stupid!"

He walked into his bedroom and grabbed his hearing aid, placing it into his ear. A small beeping sound sounded in his ear, annoying but necessary, and Albert groaned out. He forgot to charge his hearing aid.

Albert didn't care much if he didn't have his hearing aid. There were times he'd taken it off during school and left it at home because hearing has proven to be exhausting. He didn't have inherent problem with living in silence, or as close to pure silence as he could get.

He did have a problem with his hearing aid being dead on important days however; events, interviews, and dates with guys he actually likes. "Racer?"

He turned around to see Race standing in his doorway, tugging a shirt over his torso. Albert sighed. "They died."

Race nodded, walking into the room. "Are you going to save the date for later?" He signed, and spoke, chuckling as he saw Albert squint at his lips.

"Uh, no", Albert shook his head, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "But do you have Spot's number? Could you tell him?"

"Why don't you have his number?"

"Because, Race."

The blond rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, Albert waiting patiently. His heart pounded in against his rib cage repeatedly, thumping and thumping as his nerves splintered. Rescheduling wasn't a bad idea.

He wasn't exactly ecstatic that things weren't going as planned. He understood that he didn't need his hearing aid, and most times he preferred to go without it, but this was a date, an important date, and he'd like to able yo hear Spot's voice again.

"Done." Race showed him his phone screen, Spot's rely being a thumbs up. Albert smiled softly. "You should get going", he signed."

Albert nodded, running a hand through his hair as he placed his hearing aid into its charger. Race watched his best friend scramble around his room like a wild dog, looking for nothing and everything at the same time. "Will you get a move on? You have everything, now go."

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