A Different Side of Myself: Part One-Spot

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(This is my hand I'm very proud of it 😁)

I really like the idea of Spot Conlon being aromantic, so I wrote this.

Another HC I have is Romeo being asexual. It just makes sense to me (plus, not all aces are innocent uwu babies and I want to stop that idea).



"Spot", Hotshot sighed, walking into the kitchen and sliding onto a stool. Spot looked up from his phone, humming in acknowledgment. "I'm in love."

Spot snorted, shaking his head. "Really?"

"Yes, really! He's everything I could ever want." Spot raised an amused brow as Hotshot grinned widely, thinking of this estranged lover. It wasn't uncommon for Hotshot to find someone else to "be in love with"—which was just him falling in love with the idea of someone like that existing—but this seemed pretty serious as he was somewhat trying to keep whoever it is a secret.

"I'll bite", Spot sighed, making Hotshot cheer. "Who is it?"

"Ike Guzman."

Spot furrowed his brows in thought, trying to remember the face to that name. He immediately thought of their school's last football game, when Manhattan was at home and played for the halftime show. "The kid that plays the clarinet?"

"Yes", Hotshot clapped, excited that Spot remembered. The shorter laughed as he sighed, a lovesick grin on his face. "He's perfect."

"He looks mean", Spot shook his head, going back up his phone. "Like he'd growl at me, or something."

Hotshot rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "He's really sweet. And kind, funny, a bit charismatic with a hint of sarcasm added in—perfect, like I said."

It's like it wasn't clicking. Hotshot barely knew this guy, and he's already in love? I mean, I understand love at first sight, but this was ridiculous. How could someone already like a person in that way? They weren't even friends yet.

"I don't get what you see in him", Spot replied, glancing at his best friend. "He looks rude as hell."

"I just like his personality, okay?" Hotshot shook his head fondly, thinking of his new special person. "He's just...so great."

"But you don't even know him yet."

"Well, that doesn't mean I don't like him."

Spot hummed, shrugging. "Whatever."

"You act like you've never been in love before, Spot", Hotshot chuckled, bumping his shoulder with his. "What about Race?"

He wasn't in love with Race. Not yet, at least. As a matter of fact, he didn't have very strong feelings toward Race at all. But I enjoy his time and company. I only want to spend it with him. Right?

Ignoring his thoughts, Spot chuckled. "I'm not in love with Race. Besides, being in a relationship is like...like a friendship but with extra steps."

Hotshot ticked his head to the side, brows furrowed in amusement. "No. No, it's not."

Spot nodded, standing with his decision. "Yeah, it is."

"Would you ever date me?"

"God, no. You're ugly as hell."

Hotshot punched Spot in the shoulder, laughing with him as he snickered. "You know what I mean."

"No", Spot confirmed, shaking his head. "You're my best friend."

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