Sneaking Out-DaJatherine

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Seriously, I'll find a better ship name

Anyway, I caved. I've been thinking about these three for a long time, and I want more representation for this kind of polyamorous relationship, and what got me to cave was Boy Meets World fanfiction (if you having seen the conversation tab, save yourself the agony)

This is just these kids being the disobedient children we know and love. Enjoy!


Jack placed his room step by step, feeling more cramped than ever. Each step he took amounted to three, then he would turn around and start again in the opposite direction. He felt like a scratched DVD, and he was willing to turn the movie off, but Medda made him so angry sometimes.

"Jack, would you sit down?" Davey sighed and watched his boyfriend pace and wring his hands of any possible moisture that were in them, resembling the likes of a clapping monkey. Katherine had gone to get drinks. "It's fine. We can just reschedule the trip."

"My ass", Jack swore, finally changing his tune and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Medda's being so unfair! I mean, she let Race go all the way to California last summer, and he came back with a beach tan and a goddamned Dodgers t-shirt."

"That was for an internship. It's different."

Davey could understand the frustration—if Jack wasn't going, neither was he, and if he wasn't going, neither was Katherine. This all feel like perfectly placed dominoes knocked over by petulant winds, the way the answers of one parents affected the others, but dramatics was almost Jack's middle name, and it reflected well.

There were other trips, some of them closer to New York City. He's been to Vermont plenty of times, but he doubted they'd have the chance to rent a hotel room during this time of the year. In fact, their best hope was New Orleans, no matter how far away it was.

No matter how badly he wanted to go, Davey respected Medda's, and his own parent's, decision. "Jack, it's fine. There are other things we can do."

"Yeah", Katherine agreed, startling Davey and making Jack pout further. She walked into the familiar and boy-ish room—how else would you describe it?—and placed three cups of apple juice onto the night stand next to Jack's bed, which was covered with more paint tubes than dried paint, all aligned in a row. It wasn't much to look at, but she liked how messily organized Jack had become.

She sat next to Davey, and placed her legs onto his lap. Jack sighed out.

They weren't dating—Katherine was Jack's girlfriend, and Davey was Jack's boyfriend, an arrangement that worked out better than to be expected. Despite the rather lack of normativity in their relationship, Davey and Katherine remained friends, and even became closer. The thought nearly brought a smile to Jack's face, but then he remembered his canceled trip and he was mad all over again. "I'm sure there's other opportunities, Jack. We can find something to do."

"But I wanted to do that", Jack whined, hugging and crossing his arms. Where as Katherine chuckled, Davey rolled his eyes. "I mean, I'm 18! I should be able to go to Louisiana for New Years with my boyfriend and my girlfriend and it be no one's business but my own."

Katherine and Davey glanced at each other, unsure of what to say. Jack was right; he should be able to do that, but at the end of the day, he couldn't, and that's life—c'est la vie.

"Look, Jackie", Davey sighed, running a hand through his hair. "As disappointing as it is, there's literally nothing we can do. I mean, what—we buy plane tickets on our allowance and fly to Louisiana on our own?"

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