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In all fairness, I told you I would take the David out of your Javid.



Jack knew what beauty was.

It was what he remembers of his mother's smile, all of his friendships with his boys, and his first girlfriend. But he liked to think beauty doubled when looking at Davey Jacobs.

The boy of his seventeen year old dreams. His eyes were the color of leaves, browns, oranges, greens, and golds swirling around there. His smile was brighter than the sun on a summer day in New York, it was blinding. His mind worked quickly and informatively, knowing how to solve every problem and issue he came across. And his hair—oh, how Jack loved his hair—was brown and perfect every time, even after the wind blew or when he took off his hat.

Davey Jacobs was Jack's beauty and true love. But he couldn't have him.

Jack sat on the roof of his penthouse—a small metal terrace outside of his window—as he tried to copy Davey's hazel eyes onto the paper, finding himself frustrated. He couldn't do it; it wasn't right. It was criminal what he'd done to this drawing of Davey's eyes, knowing it wouldn't be right.

He heard clanking metal beside him, feeling himself look away softly. "Hey. Crutchie told me you'd be here."

Jack looked up and closed his sketchbook immediately, putting on his signature smile as his heart fluttered in his chest. "Hiya, Davey."

"Hey, Jackie", Davey greeted, sitting beside his best friend. They were characteristically close, and Jack swore he would lose it. "I've got some big news."

Jack grinned at the sound of that, waiting for what was so big. A good grade? Job promotion? Decision to date him and confess his feelings? (The last one was created on the base of hope, something Jack learned he had to have in life). "What? Don't keep us all in suspense, Dave."

Davey grinned, tapping his thumb against his crossed legs excitedly. Jack didn't remember the boy being this excited when confronting things, but maybe it was a change of pace.

"I met a girl."

Time froze. Nothing was going in or out of Jack's ears as his brain took in the information. He found a girl? He felt his heart breaking agonizingly slow, tears burning behind his eyes and head throbbing in pain.

He felt like he was getting punched in the chest by the strongest man in the world, nearly close to death. He figured it would be best to die, that living with heartbreak would be too much.

Davey found a girl.

"That's great", he lied, keeping up his strong smile. He was dying, screaming, and crying on the inside, but he didn't want to raise alarms with Davey. After all, they were still best friends. "Who is she?"

Davey chuckled, shaking his head. "Her name's Elizabeth. She's the prettiest girl I've ever met. You'd love her if you met her, Jack."

I'd want to tear her eyes outs, Jack thought angrily, feeling pathetic. He's an idiot, an idiot that believes in fairytales—not even that. He's an idiot that believes in dreams. "That's great, bub. I'm happy for you."

Seeing Davey smile was enough to drag him through the two hour conversation they had about Elizabeth. Davey went on and on about how he wishes to court her, then marry her. They would move out of the city and have kids, maybe a house. He was so happy, that all Jack could do was smile and nod.

Later at night, after Davey left, he cried. He laid out in the breeze of the night, clutching his chest, and cried. Everything hurt. He let his tears slip through the holes and cracks of his penthouse, suddenly feeling out of place in the world. His sobs fell into the darkness of the night, giving him a chance to be a part of it.

He didn't understand heartbreak could feel like this. His stomach was sick and heart was even worse, both of them leaving him in agonizing and miserable pain. He felt like the knight that missed the princess, or rather, the prince.

Why did Jack like his curly brown hair? Or his complicated and perfect mind?

Why did Jack like his brighter than the sun smile? Or his eyes that were like leaves? Browns, oranges, greens and gold swirling around there.

Why was Davey Jacobs the boy of his seventeen year old dreams?

Jack cried harder, his chest aching and his head throbbing. He wanted to court Davey, and get married and have kids and move out of the city, maybe into a house. He wanted to spend nights with him watching the stars, waiting for the sunset. He wanted to hug and hold and talk to and kiss him until he died of old age, knowing he'd lived life with his soulmate.

This is love. He wanted to be in love with Davey.

But Davey found a girl. He was happy, he was smiling, he was safe, and he was all Jack could ask for. His best friend.

That's all he would ever be.


Wow. That's it.

I know I easily could've made Davey the one in love, having Jack in love with Katherine, but I didn't want to. Exploring feelings on Jack's part is always so much more fun to me. Plus, I despise Katherine.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading!

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