Davey and Sarah Shenanigans-The Jacobs Family

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I just realized I don't write a lot of Davey and Sarah-sibling-stuff. I think about it all the time, but I just haven't? I don't know. But it's here now!

I'm also changing my head canon a bit: the Jacobs kids are trilingual! They speak English, Polish, and Yiddish. And Davey can read Hebrew (Sarah and Les learned, then forgot quite a bit of it). Mayer taught them Yiddish and Esther taught them Polish. They speak all three throughout their house:)

There may also be a surprise within this;) Possibly involving our very own Javey? Who knows...



Age 5

Davey had always been a bit more in touch with his feelings than Sarah had. He was the literary one, a trait his parents caught onto as soon as he began learning to read. They always praised him for reading words the other kids couldn't pronounce yet, with the amount of pride most five year olds had. Whenever his sister went to soccer practice, he would go to the library with his mom, and they would talk about school.

At first, Davey really liked kindergarten. His teacher, Ms. Romero—who was really pretty, and Davey really appreciated that she hugged him every time they saw each other—was the best teacher ever, and always gave him stickers when he got an answer right, sometimes candy if he was lucky. His sticker page was always full, and it always looked really pretty.

But not of the kids appreciated the beauty of his page. Some of the boys in class would tease Davey for his sticker page. He was the only kid in class who kept one, and he was always proud to show it off. But recently, after a few too many push downs on the playground, Davey took to taking the sticker and putting on its page when he got home.

One day, Sarah, who was in the class next to his but still aware of his page, walked into the kitchen holding her water bottle, ready to fill it up. Davey was pouting and staring at his sticker page. "What are you doing?"

Davey looked up and shrugged, still sad. "I'm not happy."

"Well, why aren't you happy? Why are you angry?"

"Um, I'm sad", Davey clarified, and Sarah rushed over to hug her twin brother, who sighed into her shoulder. He could feel her squeezing. "Brandon Rogers doesn't like my stickers and he told everyone else that they are stupid."

"What!" Sarah, appalled and pulling away from Davey, shrieked. "But your stickers are so cool!"

"I know! But he's so mean and it really hurts my feelings."

Sarah shook her head and pulled away from her brother. She wasn't very sure who Brandon Rogers was, but she knew he was bad news, like the villains in the shows she watched, or the opposing team she played that week. Davey was never mean to anyone, not even when they deserved it—Mom said it was because Davey was naturally very caring and always had been, but frankly, Sarah thought he should be meaner, especially to the likes of Brandon Rogers.

But in his place, since they are twins, she had no qualms about defending Davey's pride, even if it got her in trouble with Mrs. Micheals.

Davey watched as she punched her hand into her other little palm less than rhythmically, appearing to be threatening. He had to admit: he was a little scared, but Sarah wouldn't hurt him on purpose. "I'll beat him up!"

"Who are we beating up?" their father, Mayer, asked, and Sarah was quick to explain the situation. He smiled, and Davey couldn't help but to grin with him, especially as he picked him up and hugged him. "That may be a little too aggressive for kindergarten, Sarah Bee."

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