Brotherly Things-Jack and Crutchie

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Just Jack and Crutchie things

I'm sorry I haven't been writing very often! I'm still catching up on multiple classes (I'm nearly there, just need a boost and a few Crash Course videos) so writing has taken a place in the backseat of the car that is my brain. Thank you for your patience:)

Speaking of cars, I started driving school prep, or something, which is another thing I have to study for, so I'm busy. But I'll (maybe) get into writing again soon!

I hope you enjoy!


Jack stared at himself with hatred, burning holes into the faux glass of the bathroom mirror. His hair was stuck to his face from his otherwise peaceful sleep, and his clothes were wrinkled, having been dragged around in his slumber, only adding to the already dirty look of his dirty laundry, but Crutchie had clearly done his face.

His nose featured a little black flower on the tip of it, but that could easily be ignored; what stood out was the word 'DUMBASS' written across his forehead in read marker, accompanied by the various smiley faces and the single phallus on his face, near his mouth.

Fury bubbled inside of Jack like hot water on a stove, just barely spilling over the sides. He was unsure of what to say—in fact, he had nothing to say. He could only stare thoughtlessly at himself in the mirror.

The bathroom door opened, and Jack didn't look away. He could see Medda standing behind him with a look of surprise on her face, fully dressed without a smile. "Do I want to know?" she asked, uncaring as to laugh.

Jack breathed in deep, unblinking, and sighed out. "I'm going to kill him."

"I'm sure you could get multiple charges for that." Jack licked his lips, pushing himself away from the bathroom counter and walking away, past his mother and out of the bathroom. "Don't make a mess, alright? Or else you're both cleaning it up."

Jack stopped and nodded before jogging down the hallway, picking up a pen from the hallway and making his way to his bedroom. The last thing Medda heard were the screams and laughter of her second son.


"Dude, just give it to me."

"No", Crutchie continued, sighing onto his homework. Calculus was hard enough without Jack's constant whining, but Jack didn't seem to care. Instead, he continued going on and on about how swamped he was with work he chose to do, and needed Crutchie to provide him the answers to Medda's homework, given at the point in which Jack was too busy skipping to receive. "I don't even have that out right now."

"Crutch, I'm begging you", Jack whined, groaning when his little brother placed his headphones on. "I don't want to get in trouble!"

Crutchie ignored him, mumbling the lyrics to a song Jack hadn't heard before. Jack cried out of frustration, "Please! Dude, I'll do anything."

The blond rolled his eyes and sighed, turning to his childish older brother. "I already sent it to your email. Please shut up."

Jack grinned and kissed Crutchie's head, who continued to ignore him. "I love you so much!"

"The next time you ask for this, I'm not giving it to you."


"Jack", Crutchie sighed, flopping onto his bed. Jack turned around their shared desk chair with a raised brow. "I'm in love."

Crutchie wasn't sure what he was expecting Jack to say, but it wasn't, "Okay. I hope it works out for you."

Crutchie sat up, blinking. He thought over the possibility that Jack wasn't actually himself, and had been replaced by a cooler, kinder, better version, but then he noticed the smear of charcoal on his brother's cheek, and he figured the newer version of Jack would be neater as well. The little of response shocked him. "That's all you have to say?"

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