The Newsies in the 50s

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Needless to say, this was very difficult. Like, ridiculously difficult. I didn't realize so much of men's fashion in the fifties was so basic until I went surfing through Google. I started considering doing my OC, Roller for women's fashion because gosh.

Fun Fact: Converse used to be a sports shoes, I suppose often used for basketball. That's probably why they often say "All-Star."

Anyway, here you go.

So, this is for Race

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So, this is for Race. I don't know if it's accurate to you, but it was to me.
I think this makes sense because Race generally has lighter colors on in the Livesies version. It's mostly blue and green, contrasting his blonde hair. It also really brings out Ben Cook's eyes.
This was more based on feeling. Like, if it was summer or winter, I wanted to place clothes that Race would wear no matter the weather. He'd probably roll his pant legs to show his socks (those terrible striped socks) and show off his shoes. He'd be effortlessly cool. (I will never get over the striped socks with the plaid shirt. Never.)

So, this is Crutchie, and the reason I'm only doing two of these

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So, this is Crutchie, and the reason I'm only doing two of these. There is far more options in women's fashion, and I already did Sarah and Katherine. (Side note: There is a possibility I listened to 'My First Enemy' while making this and I can't say I thought Jeremy Jordan would slowly be pushing me into my rock/emo phase again).
Anyway, I put Coca Cola bottles because I feel like Crutchie would like Coke. Unhealthily like Coke.
I feel like he wears shorts to prove he doesn't care that people look at his leg. I remembered in the movie he was more worried about people thinking he was faking his walk. Not to mention, he hated the idea of Jack carrying him out of the refuge.
Crutchie would spend a lot of his time listening to music. Maybe not dancing (because AKB has confirmed that he doesn't dance very well) but just because he likes music. I like imagining him geeking out over music or a new album coming out and dragging one of the Newsie to the store to buy it and stand in line for hours. He'd also keep up with the news, and since I imagine him unable to keep a secret, he'd be the first to let everyone know what happened.

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