A Different Side of Myself: Part Two-Spot, Graves

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I'm editing these backwards lol



Spot sighed, running a hand through his hair. He shook his head, closing his eyes softly.

His hands were shaking and he felt a sense of anxiety in his chest, his heart pounding behind his discomfort. He felt out of place in his own self, every bone, organ, and cell making his want to scratch them away.

What does this mean? He wasn't even sure if he felt like this, if it was even true. Sure, what was said was relatable, and the source seemed very chill, but he didn't like this. Why did he feel like this?

"I need to call someone", he mumbled, grabbing his phone from his side. He clicked on Graves' contact, placing the phone on his lap and pressing speaker. He took deep breaths as he listened to the phone ring, sighing when he he heard it click. "Hey, G."

"Heya, Sean", Graves greeted, and Spot could hear the smile in his voice. "How are you?"

"Uh, okay", Spot shrugged, rubbing his arm. He swallowed roughly, looking around the room. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah! Something wrong?"

"Uh, no, no. Just", Spot took another deep breath, trying to keep his heart from thumping out of his chest. It's just a bandaid. "Um..."

"Sean?" Graves voice was as worried as he was for his cousin, and Spot could here the younger boy walk faster. He didn't mean to worry him.

It was just something he had to say, something that had to come out. Taking a deep breath, his squeezed his eyes shut, he racked his brain for the right thing to say.

"Do you know anything about...aromanticism?"

It felt wrong to ask a kid about this, but Graves was the most trustworthy person he knew. If he couldn't ask him, he couldn't ask himself.

"Yeah", Graves answered, and Spot could hear that he slowed his pace a bit. "I'm aromantic. Why?"

Spot's brows furrowed, going over what his little cousin said. "You are?"

"Yeah, I didn't tell you?"

"No. You just said you were asexual."

"Well, this isn't about me", Graves retracted, making Spot sigh. He was hoping to stalk for at least a few more minutes, but Graves wasn't one to keep small talk long. "Why did you want to know?"

"Uh", Spot swallowed, his nervousness setting in again. "I...I looked something up."


"And I...I was curious because I've been feeling some things", Spot tried to explain, licking his lips. "And, and I didn't know what to do, so..."

"That's okay. Is there something upsetting you?"

Spot took a deep, shaky breath, gathering all the courage he had to say, "I think I might be aromantic."

The line went quiet, and Spot checked his phone to see if Graves was still there. He began feeling worried himself when the phone beeped, meaning the teen hung up on him.

However, his attention was dragged to the front door, it being opened and revealing a sweet looking kid wearing a punny t-shirt. "Sean?"

"Hey", Spot sighed out, relieved to hear Graves' voice. He watched as Graves walked over to the couch, sitting next to him. "Thanks for coming."

"Yeah, I was around", Graves shrugged, bumping his shoulder with the older. "Plus, I knew you would be cooking tonight, so..."

Spot snickered, shaking his head. He loved this kid, everything about him. His own little slice of family. "Yeah."

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