Kind Strangers-Ravey

197 7 19

WARNING: mentions of kidnapping, knives, blood

This is also going to be Ravey bc I have another idea saved for Javey hehehe

All characters are over 21.



Davey cringed as he wrote another line into the wall with his knife, sighing when he was satisfied with the mark it made. That made forty-one.

Forty-one weeks since he'd been taken from a random alley in New York City.

He hadn't seen light or proper darkness, just this continuous illumination of his shadows against the wall from the singular bulb that hung from the ceiling. Enough to keep him healthy and provide the minerals he needs. Not to mention, the food that was coming in and out of the door.

He only knew it had been forty-one weeks because of the cake he received every Saturday. It would always be the same, similar to the one he tried months ago from the new cafe near his parents' place.

Davey sighed as he walked away from the wall, pacing slowly. Time seemed to go by slower in this room, not counting the countless amount of naps he eventually endured, after the initial shock of being kidnapped went away. Plus, the sleep filled nights he got, after giving up the hope of ever being saved from this beige Hell.

He felt is legs getting stronger from all of the walking he'd been forced to do—back and forth and back and forth and back and- —as well as his mind. He tried to remember each and every detail he could about his family, the one thing keeping him sane, and remember to smile when he saw the images of their faces in his head.

He heard someone at the door and immediately pulled his knife up defensively, his brows furrowed in confusion and temptation. No one, at least not as long as he's been here, as ever attempted to open his door, no one has even asked. But someone was obviously trying to get it, telling from the sounds of the door handle scrambling around.

His breath got heavier, his hand clutching the weapon harder as the door unlocked, sweat dripping down his forehead to his cheek as his body shook from fear. One more step.

If it was who he thought it was, this could be his chance to get out. He'd have to fight his way out, and would probably lose, but at least he would've tried. He'd be laid to rest knowing he did something.

The door opened quickly, revealing a blonde man with a mask covering half of his face. His hair was every which way and his clothes were covered in blood, making Davey even more nervous about his situation. He clutched the the knife tighter just as the blonde walked closer to him. "Who the hell are you?!"

No one came into this room. "I'm here to save you", the blonde answered, slowly getting closer to Davey. "It's okay."

It's not okay, because no one was ever coming to save him. They're tricking me. "Shut up! I know that's a lie!"

He saw the intruder furrow his brows in confusion, titling his head to the side slightly. "Then I wouldn't be here, would I?"

No! He's trying to get your trust so he can use you. Davey pointed the knife at him out of fear, making the blonde back up. "I'm not stupid!"

He'd spent too many hours trying to keep himself sane enough to know what day it was, to count the weeks he'd been here. He wasn't going to let this guy mess it up. "Back up", he demanded, his teeth gritted to keep them from chattering.

Thankfully, the guy listened, placing his hands up and leaving his bloodied palms on full display. It wasn't his, though. "Okay. Okay."

Davey breathed heavily, still pointing the knife at the man in front of him. He could feel his courage slip into fear, so he asked, "Who are you?!"

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