Sprace Stuff

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Hello, beautiful people! How's it going?

I'm good, and I'm going to the beach today. I got a new swimsuit I'm supposed to wear later so I get to wear my sporty one😎. It's blue.

I hope you put enjoy this!


"You'll be here for the hour", an officer shuffled out as he shoved Race into the jail cell, an obvious lack of care for the blonde. Race grunted as he tried to keep himself from falling, finding himself shockingly successful.

He shouldn't have been here. What happened wasn't his fault. He didn't mean to steal that watch, it just happened to fall into his bag, that also happened to be zipped up. It's not like he tried to walk away, and running was a faster method of transportation.

He sighed defeatedly before moving to a wall, placing his head on it. He wasn't going to take chances with the toilet seat or the bed, fear of something crawl on him being high.

The cell was dingy and in poor condition, almost completely resembling what he saw in movies. The only difference was that there were two people in the cell, one of them being himself. The other person seemed rather intimidating, and sat annoyedly as if this wasn't his first time in here.

But Race wasn't one to judge, and he chose to make conversation. "What are you in here for?"

His cell mate looked at him, checking him out. Race assumed it was to make sure he wasn't going to go crazy. "You?"

"I asked you first", he pointed out, a small chuckle on his tone. The other guy shrugged.

"I asked you second."

That was true, but not completely fair, nor did it make sense. "I accidentally stole a watch."

The other guy hummed, a small smile gracing his face. Race noticed how it was more of a smirk if anything, and it seemed to be naturally placed there. "Accidentally, huh?"

"Yeah", Race agreed, crossing his arms. "My hand slipped."

The other guy chuckled, bringing his knee to his chest. It was then that Race noticed he was sitting on the floor. "Right."

"What are you in for?" It felt a little weird to ask again, especially since it was such a stereotypical question. He was definitely intrigued however, and that seemed to power out any feelings he had about the question.

"I accidentally stabbed a guy", the guy said carelessly, a strike of fear shuffling down Race's back.


"Look, he attacked me, and I stabbed him", the guy shrugged, feeling indifferent to the situation. "I didn't mean to get him put in the hospital. But he's a snitch anyway for calling the cops."

Despite the guy's lack of empathy, and a clear hate for snitching, something about him made Race interested. He seemed like a fairly okay guy, even if he wouldn't admit to seriously hurting someone. It did help that he was cute.

"You think he'll press charges?" The guy turned to him with a questioning look, and it was at this point Race didn't know his name.


Race shrugged, a flirtatious smile on his face. "Partners in crime, and all that."

The guy chuckled, checking Race out. There was something different about the way he looked at Race this time, and the blonde liked it. "What's your name?"


"I'm Spot."

"Cool." It was really cool. Race really liked Spot, the guy seeming to understand him. He seemed to understand bad accidents happen. "So?"

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