Davey Headcanons

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Idk if I've done this before bc I can't remember but here are some livesies Davey headcanons

Idk if I've done this before bc I can't remember but here are some livesies Davey headcanons

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-Hairy—I like the idea of Davey having a lot of body hair because why not

-Crooked nose:) the man has Sarah for a sister of course he has a crooked nose

-this is specific, but his ring and index finger are the same length and his fingers are very thin and his hands are pretty big

-Average foot size for an average guy: size 12:)

-Give me Davey that has trouble building muscle so he has a small pudge of stomach that he's insecure about but his partner absolutely loves it and I loves it too

-Davey with acne scars on his face, back, and shoulders

-I feel like he has a relatively thin frame, but it's also wide. It tricks people into thinking his shoulders are broad, but they aren't. He has weak ankles too, so breaking in his shoes is hard work, which is why he wears the same pair all the time.

-He's a strong guy without even trying? He has a little muscle on his arms

-✨Writer Hands✨

-Light freckles maybe?

-Not very much Booty. He's not flat, but he's not working with a lot it's like just enough

Thanks for reading!!!!

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