One Hundred

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Happy 100!!!! I can't believe it took, like, two years to get here.

As promised, I have written a Q&A. Some of the questions are from the Internet, and some are from you! Thank you!

This is set up to be similar to an interview—the newsies are like actors to me, fulfilling different roles for my stories.



When's the last time you lied?

"I lied to Jack this morning", Race shrugged, crossing his arms against his chest. "He wanted to know who broke his mug, and I told him it was the dishwasher. I guess it worked because he hasn't said anything."

"The last time I lied, I told Mike I didn't get him a birthday present", JoJo hummed. "But it's okay because I did, and I think he liked it."

"I did like it", Mike assured, grinning.

"The last time I lied", Hotshot sighed, looking away as if the answer were in the air, "I told Ike was going to hang out with Spot, and I...beat up some guy who was being a douche to him. I think we're over it. Right?"

Ike provided a thin smile, but didn't answer.

Who was the last person you searched up?

"I was searching for Eddie Redmayne on Instagram", Jack sighed tiredly, and Davey looked at him weirdly. "I was trying to draw him but his face is so hard to draw, and I wanted to tell him that. He doesn't have an insta though."

"What..." Davey began to ask but shook his head, grabbing Jack's hand. "The last person I searched up was...Gosh, I guess it was Cillian Murphy? I ended up watching Peaky Blinders after."

"That show is meh", Jack shrugged, and Davey rolled his eyes. "I don't like the plot."

Davey chuckled. "You and I are watching for two very different plots."

"The last person I searched up was Alec Benjamin because it's been years since I've listened to him", Crutchie admitted, nodding his head. "I ended up finding out AJR came out with a new album in November and I completely missed it! I called Elmer when I found out, and we listened to it together."

"It wasn't really a lie", Elmer clarified, amused. "Crutchie was just really excited about this band he likes and I pretended I knew who they were so I wouldn't get lectured on their amazingness. AJR does make some really good music, though."

"How do you not know AJR?" Spot questioned before singing softly: "You have to know the song that's like "I'm weak; and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh, boy, I love it when I fall for that."

"Ohhh", Elmer realized, and he hummed the rest of the song to himself. "That is a really good song."

"The last time I lied I told Specs I didn't know where their glasses were." Mush snickered behind his hand at the memory. "They were on their face."

How would you rate yourself, 1-10?

"I'm a solid 6", Davey smiles. "My personality carries the most of it. I don't think I'm ugly, but I wouldn't say I'm outwardly handsome either. But people seem to be attracted to me on a more personal level, and I take pride in that."

"Davey said what?" Ike asked, confused. "How- He- My own husband agrees that he's the finest man on planet earth. I mean, he looks himself in the mirror everyday! How does he not see- I don't even know how he can think that."

"I'm a 9/10", Crutchie nodded. "There's definitely room for improvement, but I'm otherwise amazing."

"10/10", Spot shrugged, crossing his arms. "I'm hot, I'm smart, and I'm in control of my emotions now—I'm a catch. Elmer seems to think so; and what are you gonna do, disagree? With Elmer?"

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