The Wedding-Jack-centered

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Jack was the talk of the town (in their mind).

All it took was one look at them: they were charismatic, charming, hot, kind, and just an overall decent person. And hot.

However, no matter how beautiful they were, it's just hard to find a costume this particular on such short notice.

"Come on, Sarah, please?" They we're practically begging at her feet, on their knees and everything. "I need this costume."

"Sorry, babes, I can't help you", Sarah sighed sadly, shaking her head as she continued sewing. "There are already so many people asking for these ballgown dresses for the Bridgerton thing in LA. I'm swamped."

"But how many of them are your favorite person in the entire world?" Jack gave a hopeful smile, one that Sarah had to playfully roll her eyes at. "And how many of them would kill it in a dark blue corset?"

"None of them, including you", Sarah joked, laughing when she saw her brother's partner roll their eyes. "I'm sorry, Jack. But the best I can do is a bodice."

"What- I don't have boobs!" Jack dramatically placed their hands to their chest. "What would fill the gap?!"

"You can buy some, honey", Sarah sighed, and Jack realized they weren't going to get help from the clothing expert, so they'd have to move on to fashion.

An expert who is particularly skilled in low budget shopping.


Jack paced as the phone rang, their arms crossed tensely and their heart pounding with nerves. Thank God they always have their phone. "Finch! Necesito ayúda."

"Que paso?" Jack could hear hangers ruffling on the other side, and they knew he was in the middle of shopping. "I'm busy."

"Okay, so", Jack flopped onto their couch, "Dave and I are going on a really nice wedding date, but like, not too fancy. And I need a corset."

"Jack, how do you not have a corset in your closet?"

"I never thought to buy one! I didn't think I'd need one until Pinterest."

"You dumbass, everyone has a corset!" Jack rolled their eyes, playing with a pice of their hair. "Especially fem-enbys! You've disappointed me."

"Yeah, yeah", Jack mumbled, knowing it was too late for Finch's dramatics. They were on a tight schedule here, and Finch was stalling the train. "And stop making large generalizations about people."

"Lo siento, sorry." Jack stood up with a sigh, deciding to walk around for a bit around the apartment, just to clear their head. "So what exactly is the date again? I need details."

"One of Davey's college friends is getting married", Jack informed, making Finch gasp. "What?"

"Oh, my God, a wedding? I hate them!"

"Yeah, I know, but I'm his plus one", Jack continued out, still moving in the same little square. The idea of being unprepared made them worried, which was weird compared to when they thrived on it. Usually, Jack would let things go as they come, but this wedding seemed very important to Davey, considering a few of his bosses would be there as well, so Jack wanted to land a good first impression, for once. "At the moment, I have nothing to wear."

"Well, what's the theme?"

"It's, like...fairytale? I think, but I don't want to do anything big since Sarah couldn't make me the suit I wanted."

"Okay", Finch accepted, and the line when quiet for a minute. Jack could tell they were thinking, and thinking hard, but what he was going to say was just something the didn't know. "You know what? I can do that. Meet me at the mall tomorrow afternoon, dress your best. I refuse to walk around with someone dressed like they want to take a nap."

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