Spot? Blushing?-Sprace

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Race ran over to the couch, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "Helloooooo, nurse!"

Spot chuckled, closing his magazine and looking at the blonde. "Hello, Racetrack. Is there a reason you're calling me nurse'?"

"It's a reference", Race shrugged, jumping over the couch and finding a seat next to Spot. "The Animaniacs."

Spot hummed, going back to reading. Race looked at every feature on Spot's face—nothing was uncovered. For one, Spot has deep brown rings around his pupils, like a dark red. Or that he has freckles covering his cheeks and nose. Or that he's really good looking when focused. "Is there a reason we are staring at me, Racer?"

"I just think you're really nice looking", Race shrugged, causing Spot to chuckle. No blush or flustered stuttering, just chuckle. "Seriously? Nothing?"

"What?" Spot closed his magazine, for awhile this time, and turned to look at his boyfriend. "Are you trying to get me to blush again?"

"Spotty, I'm always trying to get you to blush", Race sighed, shaking his head. "It ain't impossible, just stupid hard."

"Well, I wish you luck", Spot smiled, patting Race's head. "Cause it ain't happening."

Race rolled his eyes and got up from the couch, walking away to devise another job plan.


Spot was washing dishes. It was his turn this week as he and Race promised to keep some of their roommate rules when they started dating.  It was somewhat calming, actually; just listening to music while scrub away grime. Calming.

But he decided to get with a loud blonde, and loud blondes don't do silence. "Heya, Spotty."

Spot smiled softly as he felt Race's hands on his waist. "Heya, Racer."

"You know, I was thinking", Race licks his lips, placing his chin on the shorter's shoulder. "I was sitting there, just thinking."

"Should I call the fire department?"

"Shut up", Race laughed, shaking his head. "It was about you."

"What were you thinking about?" Spot grabbed a fork and began scrubbing it with a soapy dish towel.

"Pushing you up against the wall and kissing you until all you can think about is me." Race said it so fluently, as if he was bringing up what to have for dinner. Spot nodded.

He didn't even drop the fork. "Well, horn dog", he starts, turning around with a smirk. He leaned closer, smiling at Race patted his lips expectantly before he stopped. "Keep thinking, okay? I always wanted you to start using that imagination of yours."

Race pouted angrily as Spot dried his hands and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him to his own mind.


Getting him to blush was deeming too be impossible. Spot seemed to be unblushable—is that a word?—and this task was proving to be difficult.

"Oh, hey." Race looks over to where Spot stopped in the mall, staring at jewelry. "Promise rings."

Race chuckled softly, not expecting to be a sucker for these kinds of things. He was always so tough and stoic, and to know he had a thing for little promises to love and cherish around his finger was sweet. "Yeah. Yeah, those are cool."

Spot smiled softly, looking at the different colored gems. Race watched as the shorter looked around, lighting up at some colors and designs. He watched until Spot beamed at a ring through the glass, causing Race to rush over.

Mental Note, Race thought, watching Spot began to talk about how pretty the ring was. You need to come back to the mall and buy that.


Weeks later, Spot finds himself back on the couch, reading a book. It was pretty interesting. Two guys fall in love and seem to become queer icons at the same time. It's great.

He feels a dip in the couch next to him as his feet are moved from their position and placed on a lap. "Hey, Racer—"

Race stared back at him, a gold ring in his hands. There was a red gem in the middle of it, shining despite not being hit by the sun. The blonde looked at Spot for any indication of an emotion.

"I love you", he states. "I want to use this ring as a promise to love you. To give you my faith, my loyalty, and my heart."

Spot stared back into Race's eyes, feeling a heat rise onto his cheeks. Race chuckled at the sight, pulling Spot closer to him. "Did I just make the the ever-stoic badass Spot Conlon blush?"

Spot rolled his eyes, looking away. "No."

"Really?" Race sat with a smirk on his lips, trying not to laugh at the blush taking over his boyfriend's face. "What, it's just hot?"

"Exactly", Spot agrees, nodding.

"And it's not because I promise to love you until my next hundred lives?"

Spot blushed harder, his brows furrowing as he tried to get the inflation to calm down. "No. No, it is not."

Race hummed, placing his hand on the shorter's cheek. Spot leaned into the touch before placing his own hand on Race's face. They sat together, just staring at each other and basking in the love that came from the other's eyes.

"I love you", Race smiles.

Spot takes the ring out of his hand, sliding it onto his finger. He stared at the gem in admiration—he'd never seen anything come second to Race is beauty—and looked back at his boyfriend, presenting him with a kiss.

"And I love you."

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