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Jack glared across the room, picking at his food as he stared at the boy. His friends stared at him in worry.

"Is he...", Romeo waved a hand in front of Jack's face, snapping a few times. "Is he okay?"

"Maybe he finally lost it", Specs shrugged, opting to finish their homework. "It was bound to happen."

"I don't know. I think Jack would've lost it a long time ago", Race pushed, eating a popsicle. Everyone had asked him were he got it from—the bag of ice kept in his locker—but he wasn't sharing. "Have you met us?"

"He's got a fair point", Finch agrees, shrugging as they opened their fruit cup. "We're pretty exhausting."

"At least we're self aware", Elmer points out, getting agreement from everyone at the table. They continued to watch Jack stare at seemingly nothing, picking at his food and mixed emotions boiled into his eyes.

Davey, being the most observant besides Albert —and the only one using at least three of his brain cells—followed Jack's line of sight, seeing "Spot Conlon?"

Everyone turned to him weirdly, wondering why he just said his name. Davey turned to Jack. "Why are you staring at Spot Conlon?"

"Because he looks too good today", Jack says angrily through gritted teeth. "It's his fault for looking like that all the time, and I hate him for it. He needs to stop it."

The boys stare in silent astonishment. "I've never seen and emotionally blind person before", Blink comments, earning laughs and slaps on the shoulder.

"You know what?" Albert speaks up, a smile on his face. "You should go over there and give him a piece of your mind. I mean, he has no right to look that good, right?"

Jack nods, agreeing as he processed the words. "Yeah! I'm gonna go over there and give him a piece of my mind."

"Yeah, you got it, Jack!"

"We're right there with you!"

"You can do it!"

At that, Jack walked away from the table, leaving his friends with disappointment.

"He's such a dumbass."

"I can't believe he's doing it."

"What the hell is wrong with him?"

Jack walked over to Spot's table, where the shorter boy was ignoring his friends as he worked on putting a pen back together. Jack stood over him, making him look up. "Can I help you?"

"You need to stop it", Jack demanded, only further confusing Spot and everyone around this. "It's gone on for too long."

"I'm sorry?" Spot looked to his friends help, only getting shrugs. "What did I do?"

"You're too attractive", Jack told him, a genuine angry look on his face. Spot's friends snickered as the shorter boy looked around, thinking Jack may have mistaken him for someone else.


"Yeah, you!"

"Well...thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment!"


"Listen", Jack starts, staring at Spot intensely. "Either you stop looking hot, or you look hot with me."

Spot blinked, utterly confused. "Are you asking me out?"

"I don't know!"

"O...kay", Spot responded, not understanding where any of this anger was coming from. He was just trying to fix a pen. "Uh, sure. I'll look hot with you?"

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