Boots' Birthday-Newsies and the Y.Newsies

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Snipeshooter, Les, Books, Sally, Newby, and Boots. Ohhhh, I love this friend group.

Oh, wait, the reference. Do you guys remember the pizza guy that delivered the pizza to Les' birthday party? He's in this.

I haven't fully edited Living at all yet, and I probably won't, but I do know that I love them all together. Plus, a new character that may be introduced (Still unclear about how he came to be, but I will check so I can have permission if needed). (EDIT: Thank you, @Broadway_Crackers for letting me use Red for this! I really appreciate it).

This is about the summer before school starts, on Boots' birthday. It may not seem like much, but I think it's just him.



Boots let out a big breath as he placed his board on the edge of the ramp, his heart beating fast as he sweat bullets. The sun was beating down on everyone, and he wished for rain.

He and his friends had been to the skatepark every week for the entire summer, not counting the days Sarah, Smalls, and Sniper took them on vacations. He'd been trying to master this trick for weeks, and he'd barely gotten it yesterday.

He glanced at his friends, all of them wearing his birthday t-shirt and cheering loudly. Specs and Race were clapping as Romeo jumped up and down with the others, getting annoyed looks from other skaters. He could do this.

He placed his foot at the nose of the board, taking one last breath and knocking on his helmet three times—a sign for good luck. In one wistful move, he felt himself falling like the cart on a rollercoaster.

Keep your feet planted. He didn't need to tell himself that, he'd been doing this for years. He just needed to let his legs know that he was going to be flying in the air on his skateboard.

The time was coming, and soon it came, as he went flying on a ramp, a little higher than normal, and back-flipped in the air. You got it, you got it, you got it-

It was at that moment he was glad to have a helmet as he landed on the back of his head, clutching his skateboard against his chest. Many people winced and 'ooh'ed at the sight of this fifteen year old kid crash landing on his head, practically feeling the pain of the fall.

Boots sighed in frustration as he began to stand up, his arm throbbing. "Ow."

"Dude, are you okay?!" His friends ran over to him as Specs grabbed an ice pack, Romeo pouring some water. Books helped him up. "That was pretty hard fall."

"Yeah, I'm good", Boots answered, gladly taking the help. He looked back at the ramp. "I kinda wanna do it again."

"How about no", Les nodded, making the boys laugh. Sally ran over with a cup of water, which Boots took thirstily.

While disappointed, no one's spirits were dimmed, and they walked to the tables Specs, Romeo, and Race were sitting at. "Hey, there."

"Hey", Boots sighed, the pain he was supposed to be feeling finally catching up with him. He groaned and sat down, placing his head on the table. "That was so embarrassin'."

"Well, at least you tried", Sally shrugged, trying to be encouraging. "I couldn't do that even if I dreamed of it."

"Yeah, that's farther than any of you guys have gone", Newby added, turning to his friends. "No offense."

"None taken."

"You're right."

"It was hella cool, though."

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