Fairies, Elves, and Treasure-Spralbert

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This is Spralbert! I think this will be super cute.

And no, I will not make Spot an elf because he's short. I just won't do it.



To say this in short, the creatures beyond ourselves, Homo sapiens, are not of those to be feared. They are mostly gentle creatures with minds, and feelings, and heartbeats. They are similar to those of us, if you will.

However, they have every will to fear us. Every instinct has told them to attack us on first sight, to gather their mothers, daughters, and wives to safety as we invade their right of having lives. I can not say that I blame them, considering the hunting, killing, and selling we have been known to do.

I do not see humans as superior to these magical creatures, and I do not see them as superior to Homo sapiens. I simply wish for us to be equal and at each other's side once again, living as our ancestors intended for us.

"Spot?" The man looked up from his work, finding Race standing by his door. He smiled and waved him forward, happy to see the blonde flitter over. "What are you doing?"

"Writin' a report", Spot sighs, pushing his work away to give his entire focus to one his magical boyfriends. He adjusted his thinly rimmed glasses. "It's about us."

"Like a book?" Race picked it up, turning it upside down and around with furrowed brows, humming when he found it unreadable. "Humans write weird, then."

Spot chuckled, cupping the blonde's cheek. "I can't say I disagree with you there. Fairies have a much more understandable language."

Race giggled, shaking his head. "Yeah, we do."

Spot rolled his eyes fondly just as Albert walked in, groaning loudly. He threw his hat off and flopped onto Spot's rented bed face first, clearly exhausted. "I hate the Elven people."

Race giggled and Spot smirked amusedly. "What happened now?"

"Some guy at work", Albert sighed, already ticked off from the thought of his co-worker, "he was being rude, giving me a hard time about being a halfling. I understand I don't exactly enjoy Elven music, and my hair makes me look like a fresh pumpkin, but I'm just as much Elve as I am Fairy. Plus, my height gives me great advantages."

Spot laughed, waving his boyfriend over. Albert grinned and walked over quickly, plopping himself onto Spot's lap, like a kid talking to Saint Nicholas. He ran a hand through the human's hair and smiled softly, humming to a tune he heard. "You know, I prefer human music."

Spot chuckled, closing his eyes softly. "Why?"

"It's rowdy and chaotic", Albert elaborated, the same song Spot used to sing stuck on a loop in his head. "But sometimes it can be calm and soothing. It also has feeling and emotion. It's basic poetry."

"I think so, too", Race added, using his magic to make little swirls in the sky. His socked feet were planted softly on Spot's knee. "It's sweet and sometimes it makes me cry. Most Fairy music is simply a small tune played on a flute or some other magical instrument your humans have modernized."

Spot chuckled, shaking his head with his eyes still closed. "I like both of your species' music better. It takes you someplace else."

"The last time my good friend, Buttons, played the flute, I ended up on the other side of the forest", Race nodded, considering Spot's words. "I suppose you're correct."

The three of them laughed, Race in front of Spot and Albert, who was leaning into the shorter's neck. They listened to the birds sing outside of their hut, mimicking the whistle notes of the flute they'd hear every day. Three flapped their wings, one as green as Albert's nails, one as blue as Race's eyes, and one as red as Spot's shirt, and danced around the trees, singing happily. Race smiled at them.

"When do you have to go back?" Albert moved closer to Spot's chest, the thought of him leaving terrifying him despite asking the question. The shorter opened his eyes.

"Whenever", Spot hummed, kissing his boyfriend's red hair with a smile. "But I do have to get my reports published at some point."

Race hummed, focusing on all of his bracelets rather than Spot's unfamiliar brown eyes. "And you're positive this will put the...it will help our kinds?"

Spot sighed, knowing Race was asking the questions he'd have to admit to himself. "No", he admitted, fearing the look on the blonde's face. "But I'm sure it will push humans in the right direction, a direction of progress."

"And acceptance", Albert mumbled, making Spot smile. He seemed so tired tonight, as if he carried two hundred pounds of rocks. "A lot of acceptance."

Race smiled softly before yawning into his elbow, taking a more polite approach rather than Albert. Spot shook his head, placing his arms under Albert's legs and behind his back as he stood out of his chair. "I think we should retire to bed."

Race hummed, deciding not to disagree that night from his own exhaustion. He rubbed his eyes as he hopped off of the desk, glancing at the window and gasping at how quickly the sky went from a light blue to a deep black. "I assumed we were taking a nap."

"Not exactly", Spot chuckled, walking over to the bed and laying Albert down softly. He pulled a blanket over him and kissed his forehead. "Time does fly."

"Very quickly, apparently", Race mumbled, walking closer to the window. He grinned at the stars covering the black sky. "But at least those mini suns seems to get something out of it."

Spot walked over yo the window and stood beside him, a small smile on his face. "The stars are beautiful tonight."

"Yes", Race agreed, absolutely mesmerized by what he was looking at, despite how old it was to stare at them. Every night he'd come to the window, he and Spot, and would stand there until one fell asleep. It was their thing, just like Albert and Spot when they found new music to listen to. "They are always so comely. It makes me wonder if the babies have parents that do their hair everyday, or dress them up in shiny clothing."

Spot laughs at Race wild imagination, wrapping an arm around him. He kissed his temple softly, lingering for a moment. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I love you, too", the heard from the back of the room, snickering softly at the sound of Albert's tired voice as he slipped into slumber.

I see these creatures not as inferior, but as creaturescreatures that look similar if not just like me. They have ears and legs and hands and jobs and families and friends just like humans do. There truly is no real difference.

They are just as capable of love as we are, and I can and have proved it.


Writer's Block sucks spinich popsicles, you guys. It's horrible.

I got this idea from looking at 'fairy grunge' outfits on Pinterest. It's such a cute style, and I'm thinking about wearing it more often. That's not the point—

The point is I enjoyed writing this, and it even only took me about half an hour (maybe), which means I wrote it straight through. It was so nice to do that again.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. I know I did. And to all of my writers that feel stuck, I suggest searching through Pinterest because there are so many nice ideas just from looking through clothes.

Thanks for reading!

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