Dates and Ducks-Spromeo

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I said I would give you Spromeo fluff, but it's hard y'all. I don't know what to write about with them.

I can't write angst, for reasons. And I can't, like, use most AUs because a lot of them directed at one trope. So, Pinterest I go. (Never mind I found the prompt generator I used to use lol)

As it turns out, Jordan Samuels is not 6'4, he is 6'3.33 (I said that like that was a major height difference).



Romeo always had ideas for dates, despite not being overly fond of them. He was always finding inspiration from around him, and Specs enjoyed it. Especially when they went somewhere with an open field.

This time, Specs found themself looking forward to their small coffee date upstate. They didn't really understand why they needed to leave the city for coffee, but Romeo insisted that it would be a different experience and that they should should have fun doing new things. Specs couldn't help but to agree.

After warning all of their friends not to text them in case of emergencies, and muting all of their group chats, they hopped into Specs car and found themself making their way upstate. "Where are we going?"

Romeo shrugged, watching the cars pass by. It was different from city traffic, despite them being on the freeway. He liked this pace. "Wherever our feet take us."

Specs chuckled, glancing at their boyfriend. "That's pretty spontaneous."

"Well, you're just pretty." Specs smiles, shaking their head. Their eyes were stuck facing the road, stopping and slowing down behind cars. Even though they were in the carpool lane, it seemed tons of people had places to be. They were glad to spend it with Romeo, though.

"I'm glad we left early", Specs sighed, switching lanes. Romeo stared at them with furrowed brows. "This would've sucked if it was rush hour. A crazy amount of people would've been on the streets."

Romeo laughs, placing his head on his hand. The soothing sound of music and the lack of scenery was lulling him to sleep. "You sound like your nana."

"She gives good advice!"

"Mhm, yeah. But your also twenty-four."

Specs rolled his eyes, chuckling softly. "Whatever."

The sounds of cars honking and the feel of the tires bumping against the road was enough to get Romeo to start snoring softly. Specs smiled, seeing their boyfriend at peace, even if it was for a while.

They weren't exactly fond of the freeway, but they did enjoy time with Romeo. This was small blessing in disguise, Romeo and Specs having not been able to go on dates as often. Work picked up at Romeo's job since someone quit, and Specs found out a lot of people get in car wrecks. I'll have to thank Spot for letting me take the day off.

They switched lanes again, turning off of the freeway and into a different city. They noticed how flowers sprouted from the yards of houses, people walking down the street with their dogs or jogging with their kids in strollers. It was a bit odd.

They stopped at a red light and poked Romeo a few times, trying to get him wake up. "Ro."

Romeo stirred, humming softly. Specs shook him. "Romeo, wake up."

He opened his eyes softly, yawning monstrously. Specs gasped. "Jesus, how did you open your mouth so wide?"

Romeo blinked in confusion, a small smirk falling onto his lips. Specs' eyes widened.

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