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So, first things first, I finished AP testing!!! And I want to do things that can't say bc they're triggering!!!

I'm currently grappling with the fact that it's very prevalent that I will not be passing my test. I had high hopes for myself, but I didn't complete an entire section of one part of the test—the smallest part, but still—and my DBQ sucks, my LEQ really sucks, and the MCQ portion is never good. So, I'm getting a 1.

It's okay though! Even though I didn't pass, and the test won't count as a college credit, I don't really care. I'll be able to take the class in college, and I enjoyed learning the subject, so it's all good. I'm not bothered by that!


To be fair, I did miss a semester—completely my fault—meaning I didn't have the same amount of time to grasp a lot of material—also completely my fault—but I really wanted to do well, and it seemed like everyone had the idea that I would. So, I'm disappointed in myself.

But it's chill. I'm taking APUSH next year and I'm confident I'll get a 4 on that one.

Anyway, let's get into it.


So, Red, White, and Royal Blue is getting a sequel. Why, you may be asking yourself? Tell me when you find out.

Despite my...dislike for unnecessary sequels, I find myself thinking that this could be necessary. The movie ended with Madame President winning and getting a second term. Alex and Henry go to Alex's house in Texas, and then the screen sort of pans out while they're teasing each other. It was very cute. But it does leave me wondering what's going to happen in the second term.

So, here are my ideas:

1) Separation: One would think that Alex would get more leisure time during his final four years in the White House, and for a while he did, but with him getting ready to pursue his law degree at...somewhere (?), Henry finds himself drifting away, and he comes to the false realizations that Alex isn't going to have for him anymore not only because of distance, but because he's a normal person at the end of the day. So they get into this big fight, break up, and Nora puts them back together again (by calling Henry and forcing him to break the sound barrier).

2) Cheating Scandal: Alex and Henry are learning to love across borders, and it's proving to be difficult what with the Claremont-Diaz family being even more in the spotlight. Things don't get better when Alex's childhood friend—who is Maya Hawke—comes to visit and a photo is captured and published, leading the world to think Alex is cheating on Henry. So they break up, Alex denies anything he ever had with Henry, and then Nora puts them back together again.

I had a third one, but when Wattpad deleted my announcement, I forgot it. If I remember, I'll put it there:)

Anyway, these are my ideas. Also, I'll be posting a chapter after this;)

Thanks for listening!!!

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