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Warning: guns, blood, stitches, swearing/cussing

Only one of you will know what I'm talking about, but gang AU. Oh, yeah.



He couldn't sleep as soundly has he would've liked to, he knew why. He was too used to his arms wrapped around the waist of his boyfriend, his head buried in the shorter's neck as he they laid there, Davey getting a whiff of the vanilla smelling shampoo he used.

Jack, his boyfriend, was always busy. For someone so kind, sweet, and free spirited, he enjoyed his job as a gang leader a little too much. It's not as if he was getting paid much for it, legally, that is. Racks of money were coming in, but it was as dirty as yesterday's laundry, when Davey spilt a milkshake on himself.

There were benefits to being the boyfriend of a gang leader as well: nice clothes, free trade and market lessons, lack of a job if he so chooses—which he wouldn't. He liked being a teacher—but Davey couldn't help but to focus on the downsides. Working as a teacher and living in a penthouse was nice, but it didn't make up for the countless sleepless nights.

Davey sat up quickly as the door opened rather suddenly, of which he heard it slam into the wall. He tossed the covers from his body, jumping out of bed just as quickly and running to dresser, where Jack stashed one of his emergency guns (Davey didn't agree with having one in the apartment, but he had to admit he was excited to see if the target lessons he received from the Brooklyn and Manhattan boys came in handy).

He ran out of his room and toward to the front door, hands shaking in fear and adrenaline as he faced the person walking in through the front door. He naturally remembered everything he was taught, imaging Finch's voice in the back of his head, as his brows furrowed and he aimed.

But it was only Jack. "God, Jack. You scared me."

"Sorry, Dave", Jack chuckled, chuckling painfully. Davey lowered the gun slowly as his boyfriend closed the door, curious. He wondered if something happened. If something went wrong. "I didn't mean to get home so late."

Davey's eyes widened as Jack turned around, face rather calm compared to the gushing blood running from his eye. Fear and anger struck the teacher, the leader holding his hands up calmly.

"I'm fine-"

"The fuck happened to you?!" Davey walked over to Jack quickly, placing two finger under his chin and focusing in on the bruise and cut under and around his eye. "Are you okay?"

Jack chuckled humorlessly, walking away from Davey and to the kitchen. He ooened the refrigerator and brought a beer out, much to Davey's frustration. "It's just a shiner, Davey, calm down. It'll take three weeks to-"

"No, shut up", Davey muttered, and Jack blinked in surprise. He didn't know Davey to be so demanding. He wasn't complaining, though. Not at all.

Davey sighed frustratedly, knowing he would probably have to call in sick tomorrow in order to make sure Jack doesn't hurt himself more. The injury was worse than the shorter was letting on, Davey knew that much. "You're coming with me."

Jack grunted softly as Davey grabbed his hand and pulled him toward and down the hall, pushing bc the bathroom door open with a full force. A part of him was incredibly impressed while the other was more out of it than Race on a Friday night.

Davey sat his boyfriend onto the toilet, crouching down to face the cabinet under the sink, opening it and grabbing as much supplies as he would need: bandages, Neosporin, and hydrogen peroxide. He stood up and opened the medicine cabinet, grabbing a needle and dental floss.

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