Blind Date-Sprace

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This is proof of the amount of fandoms I've been in. A Voltron scene featuring characters from BMC and DEH. I love this lol

Im sorry about not updating! I just started school again and I'm still working on one request (it's not a hard one, but I'm not apart if the fandom so I'm trying to base it off of what I know and- yeah). But we did reach over 2k readers, and I figured this would be the best time to release this.

Please let me know if there's no picture here🙏🏾I find it really frustrating when I have a nice picture and then it doesn't show up. Please let me know!



Race didn't know exactly when he decided to make this a thing.

Crutchie, the ever admired Love Doctor, began setting him up on blind dates, mostly with guys he could find on the internet. Race didn't have a problem with this at first, even after someone trie stopped murder him. But there were times when he wondered where the hell Crutchie picked up some guys.

"So, tell me about yourself?" Race started, waiting patiently for their drinks to come. The guy in front of him, Brian, grinned widely.

"I work for a major company", he bragged, making Race's eyes widen. "It's not a big deal."

"Wow. What company?"


Race sat patiently, his hands folded as he waited for this guy to answer. He was obviously nervous, a bead of sweat flowing down his face. Race sighed, beginning to feel his patience Tun thin.

"I work for..." Brian tapped his finger against the table, Race sighing out. "Walmart?"

This guy was clearly lying out of his ass.


The next guy was a bit nicer. As a matter of fact, he was very honest. Too honest.

"I do like your hair", he, Ricardo, complimented, and Race grinned. That was sweet. Much different from the last few guys.

"Your nose is a bit small, though." Race furrowed his brows, his smile falling off of his face. That was a quick change in tone, and Race definitely didn't like it. "You're also too skinny."

"I'm gonna stop you right there", Race sighed, shaking his head. He threw his napkin down, shaking his head. "I can't do this if you plan to insult me."

"That wasn't my-"

"I'm out." With that, Race stood up from his seat, walking out of the restaurant. He didn't even make it past dinner.


The third guy he went out with was charming and very talkative. They spent the entire night talking about what they were interested in, which Race prompted, what they like to do, which Race prompted, and what they'd like a future to be like, which Race prompted.

"And I imagine that he would've saved her", his date, Terrence, says as Race nods. He was listening intently, trying to internalize all of this information. "But he just stood there, watching her die."

"Yeah, that sounds pretty interesting", Race commented, grinning widely. "You know, I once saw this one show-"

"And it was ridiculous how they completly destroyed his character!" Race shut his mouth quickly, nodding. He didn't take too kindly to being cut off. Or being ignored.

This guy was doing both.

Race wondered what had gone wrong. He'd asked questions, they talked a lot—mostly about nerdy stuff. But then something clicked.

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