Cards of Roses-Ravey

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I don't even feel like saying anything. I'm sorry.

Sorry if this first part is choppy. The original got accidentally deleted. Thanks for reading

Davey walked into his sister's room, moving to her bed where she lay scrolling through her phone. He sighed, "Sarah."

"David", she responded, her eyes unmoving. "What do you want?"

"How does one ask out a guy?" Davey tapped his thigh nervously, awaiting his sister's answer.

"You're asking the wrong girl, compadre."

"Serious, Sar", Davey says, a slight beg to his voice. "I don't know what to do."

"Calm down", Sarah sighed, rolling her eyes. "I already know you have the hots for Jack."

Davey's brows furrowed in confusion at the sound of his best friend. "You think I like Jack?"

"You don't?" Sarah placed her phone down, looking to her brother with shock. She could've swore he was in love with his best friend, from the way he's clinging to him all the time. "I thought you did."

"No way", Davey chuckled, shaking his head. Sarah stared at him expectantly. "I have feelings for Race."

Memories of when she hung out with the boys flashed through her head. The endless flirting between him and Race was obvious, and she couldn't believe she didn't see it before.

"That's makes so much more sense."

"What am I going to do?" Davey ran a hand through his hair, eyes moving around as his brain was stuck calculating. "I really like him and I want to ask him out, but what if he says no? I mean, he probably doesn't even like me in that way, and-"

"Shut up, I'm trying to think", Sarah interrupted, holding her hand up to keep him from speaking. Davey sat, waiting, hoping his sister has something good. Then, she gasped. "I've got it."

"What? Tell me!" Sarah smirked at her twin brother, leaving him in suspense. "Sarah, spit it out or I'll take your clothes!"

"No", she says simply, leaving her brother shocked. "I won't tell you. But text Jack. We're gonna need his help."

Although annoyed, Davey nodded and pulled his phone out quickly, texting his best friend everything.


Davey rang the doorbell to Medda's house, where Jack, Race, and Crutchie lived. As soon as he texted Jack the plan, the other boy told him to come over as soon as possible, and that Race was at track practice. Davey rang the bell again.

When he was about to ring it for a third time, the door swung open, revealing a grinning, panting Jack. Davey blinked in astonishment as he and Sarah were pulled into the house, nearly tripping over their feet.

"Come on!" Jack was already up the stairs, waiting for Sarah and Davey to follow. "We have to do this as soon as possible. We're on a time crunch, people!"

Davey laughed as Sarah rolled her eyes, following her brother up the stairs and to his best friend's room. In there, Jack sat on the floor with ten decks of cards, papers scattered all over the floor. He was muttering to himself, trying to get his papers in order. "Jack?"

"I had an idea", Jack starts, glancing up from his work. "It may be stupid and a bit unethical in the sense I spent almost twenty dollars on packs of cards, but we're making roses."

Davey's eyes widened as Sarah smiled giddily, joining Jack on the floor. "Roses?"

"Yeah, out of the cards", Jack explained, picking up a pack of cards. "Remember the poker tournament and we played with flowers, a rose being the most "money?" You and Race teamed up for that one, since you didn't know how to play."

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