Got Together-My OCs: Jet and Simmer

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Okay, so this is Simmer and Jet. They are also OCs, and the leaders of West Side and Staten Island. I think I'm going to do this in two parts: one of when they're together and one of when they ultimately break up. (Thanks @Braodway_Crackers for encouragement!)

For reference, Jet is a jerk and Simmer is the only one who can match his jerkiness, hence his name (he has a bit of a rising point). Oh, and they like each other.



Brooklyn, Lower Manhattan, West Side, Staten Island, Queens, and the Bronx. Six kids with not one dollar to their name holding ever Newsie in the Burroughs of New York in their hands. The power they held was unmatched, even if the police didn't think so.

"I'd say it was a success", Jack shrugs, his arms crossed defensively. "We got what we wanted, right? More pay."

"No, we got the right to return our papes if we ain't sell 'em", Spot pointed out, glaring at the older boy. "We still get pushed around in the streets!"

"Well, that's better than nothin'! We could go back to eatin' our own papers if that would please you!"

"Well, there ain't much of a difference!"

Jack and Spot continued to bicker, visibly tiring the other leaders and seconds. They were constantly fighting, Spot trying to find that feeling he had when striking and Jack trying to bask in his last few years of an easy job. They were like two brothers fighting over a wooden toy, and everyone feared what would happen if it broke.

"Will you both shut up?!" Smalls shook her head, her brows furrowed in frustration. "We ain't here for this! If I have to, me and Ellie can go back home."

"Yeah, me too", Roller agreed, crossing her arms. "I don't want to listen to you two bickering all the time."

Jack put his eyes down ashamedly as Spot rolled his eyes. The other leaders and seconds took a deep breath, relieved to stop hearing the two leaders of the biggest Burroughs. They've been doing this for ages, and it's very annoying and hard to concentrate.

Except one leader. "Spot is right."

Everyone, including his own second, turned to look at him, Simmer seeing the remnants of a smirk on his face. "We should have more than what we got."

"Thank you", Spot shouted, happy someone agrees with him. Simmer narrowed his eyes.

What is he doing?

"I'm just sayin'", Jet chuckles, shrugging nonchalantly. "I mean, we did all this work, lost two weeks of pay, got beat up by our own brothers...and all we got was to stop eatin' our own supplies. That ain't sound right to me."

Simmer grabbed his wrist under the table, trying to be as silent as possible. Jet was beginning to make him a little upset, which was the nicest way to put it—and Jet knew it—but he wasn't going to blow his lid right now. Jet has the chance to stop.

But that's the thing about Jet. He doesn't know when to stop. "Don't you guys think we should've demanded more? I mean, my sells have done down, and that's because people don't know whether I'm gonna beat 'em up or give them a paper. Even some of my boys left because the pay cut was too hard on them, started workin' in factories."

The leaders muttered, Race moving down to Jack's ear to whisper. Jet internally smiled.

He was hoping for something catastrophic, something big. Maybe the boys would begin punching each other into oblivion, or just shouting at each other until their throats were sore. Either way, Jet would be happy.

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