Blessing-Jackpot, Race

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@TeamGalacticStan requested more Jackpot, and who am I to deny?

I hope you enjoy!


"You what?!"

Race was pacing throughout his room, his hands tucked into his hair and pulling at it. His eyes were wide and wild, riddled with surprised. "I can't believe this."

"Racer, it's no big deal", Spot tried, outwardly exhausted by his friend's dramatics. "We just kissed."

"You just kissed", Race repeated, chuckling bitterly. "You've ruined the very fabric of our relationship!"

Jack sat back, chewing a piece of gum. His eyes moved back and forth with Race's pacing, but he didn't dare to comment. He feared Race would cut his head off with a dull knife if he even hummed, or worse: make him a eunuch.

Spot looked at Jack to say anything, but he remained silent. "You're doing a lot right now."

"But he's-" Race sighed, holding his chest. "He's my brother! How is it that my brother and my best friend have- Ugh! I don't even want to think about it!"

Jack sighed, rolling his eyes. "Race, calm down. If it makes you feel better, Spot not a great kisser."

Jack winced at the feel of Spot's combat boots kicking his shoulder, and he rubbed at it. "Ow! I didn't say you weren't good."

"Just do me a favor and stop talking", Spot demanded, and Jack looked away. "You're not helping."

Spot stood up and walked over to his best friend, who was turned away and on the verge of tears. He thought it was slightly pathetic how dramatic Race was behaving, but he was still his friend, and Race didn't have to know that. Besides, this must be a shock.

For years, Spot and Jack were oil and water. Sometimes water would crowd the oil's space by touching his hair, or hiding his shoes whenever it was time for him to leave water's house; for Race, this was a way of life. He'd accepted that his brother and one of his best friends simply wouldn't ever get along, and he'd have to deal with that. Oil and water have never mixed.

But all of a sudden, as if the universe did a full 180, oil now had a polar bond, and has become sugar. So much in fact, the oil and water are making out.

Race is reacting the same way Newton would when people told him his theories were wrong. "This is blasphemous."

"I understand that this is a bit of a shock for you", Spot began, breathing out. He remembered what his mom told him about controlling his emotions—"cater to what the other person is feeling, and then respond." It worked somehow, and he took another deep breath. "But...I really do like your brother."

Race stood with his arms crossed and a raised brow, but Spot carried on. "I do. I mean, he's an idiot, but look at him! He's pretty, Racer."

Both boys turned to look at the oldest, who sat with an annoyed expression on his face. He didn't take too kindly at being called less than genius, but there was a compliment buried in there, and Jack could deal with that much.

"You think I'm pretty?" he asked teasingly, and Spot rolled his eyes, ignoring him.

"But he's also got a really big heart", Spot continued, chuckling. "And you know I really value that, even if it's wrapped up the flesh version of dumbassery that is your older brother."


"He is a bit dim", Race shrugged, laughing to himself. "Sometimes I wonder if there's any lights on at all."

"I'm right here!"

Race groaned, throwing his head back dramatically. "Jack, stop! Seriously, you're ruining the moment."

Jack sat with his mouth agape and his brows touching his eyes. He was looking between his boyfriend and his baby brother, unsure of how to respond. He could only sit and watch as Race and Spot continued their conversation, about him. Spot wasn't trying to defend him anymore, not that Jack expected him to; he'd quite honestly would do the same. Never seriously, but as a form of banter between two immature boys, one of which who has been noted as not the brightest star in the galaxy.

Still, Jack liked seeing Spot defend him, even if it was coded with words that would bother anyone else.

"Regardless of whatever you two are talking about", Jack interrupted, standing up from his seat on Race's bed, "I'd like to get back to making out with my boyfriend."

Spot rolled his eyes as Race visibly gagged, and Jack stood with a smile. He walked over to Spot and put an arm around him, leaning jauntily. "Let's finish this up. I have business to attend to, if you know what I mean."

"You're so annoying." Spot shook his head.

"Only for you. I just like you so much", Jack teased, poking Spot's cheek. The younger boy swatted his hand away as much as he could, but Jack has never been one to listen.

"Stop, or I'll cut you."

"Oh, I would love that, sweetheart."

"Okay", Race sighed, running a hand through his hair uncomfortably. "You've made it weird again. Get out before I ban you being seen with each other."

"You can't stop love, Race", Jack joked, Spot pushing him out of the blond's room. "We're young and in love! Who are you to come between that?"

"Jack, shut up", Spot begged. He threw a smile behind his back, at his best friend. "See you at school, Racer. Jack's staying at my place tonight."

Ultimately, Race had to accept this. Even if he had the authority to stop it, he knew neither Jack nor Spot would listen to him, or anyone else. They'd meet up in secret and push him away from them, and Race didn't want that. Besides, Spot could be his new brother, if they got married.

Which reminded him: "Hey!"

Race ran out of his bedroom, just in time to see Jack and Spot standing at the front door. Jack had a slight blush on his cheeks, and Spot's eyes were squinted from the wide smile on his face. "No funny business! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Jack chuckled, grabbing the handle of the front door. He looked to Spot giddily. "That means everything is on the table. Night, Race!"

The two boys ignored Race's rather loud curses and reminders, and walked out of Jack's home. Despite the crazy afternoon, Spot found himself filled with enough energy to go skating. He could fly over the moon if he wanted to. After all, Race had given him his blessing, and that's all he wanted.

Spot grabbed Jack's hand and squeezed it once, feeling Jack's eyes and grin on him. The older chuckled softly as they walked down the street, and a kiss was pressed to his hand.

"I like you too, Spot."


Phew. This one isn't my favorite, but it's not terrible? For some reason, I forgot how I write Jack/Spot banter??? It's the weirdest thing:/

Anyway, there's a fifty-fifty chance the next upload will be either angst or fluff. There's a reason why, but I won't get into it because I'll end up ranting.

Thanks for reading!!!

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