The Appreciation Crown-Fenry

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Fenry, I believe, is the ship name lol. I almost called it Hinch



Henry's boyfriend was a humble person, despite their rather large personality. He really didn't try to brag or be overly obnoxious. Henry had to admit it was something he liked about them.

But sometimes humbleness can be mistaken for insecurity, and Henry has been very good at seeking that out, especially when it came to his boyfriend.

"Hey, oiseux", Henry greeted, standing in the door frame of Finch's bathroom, looking at his boyfriend through the mirror. A smile lay on his face at the sight of Finch, much like every morning after the night he stays over. "You okay?"

Finch sighed, finally looking at Henry's eyes through the mirror, a false smile on his face. "I'm okay, Ri. Just...I'm okay."

Henry stared at them for a second, brows furrowed with worry and confusion. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No", Finch sighed quickly, shaking their head as he looked back in the mirror. "It's not about you, I just...I'm tired."

"Okay", Henry accepted, thinking of his response. He knew Finch was sensitive to some words, despite using most words rather freely—they had such a small filter, it was placed in a plastic bag and labeled "For Parents"—and what he could say could send Finch into tears he wasn't aware he was holding, so he asked, "Do you want to lay down?"

Finch sighed and placed his head in his hands, sniffling quietly. His elbows rest on the counter near the sink, and Henry's eyes widened, sure he did something wrong. "Just go, Henry. Please."

He wanted to check on him, he really did. But they asked, and clearly needed time alone. So, Henry went, grabbing the handle of the door and leaving it slight open. He sat on the bed.

Now, he wasn't sure what to do. A part of him didn't want to leave Finch in that bathroom by themself, but he knew he should. Finch would be ready to tell him what's wrong in their time, and Henry had to respect that.

However, that didn't he wasn't going to make them feel better.

With a triumphant smile and a bright idea, Henry ran into the kitchen, beelining for the cabinet of plastic bags and unused pieces of cardboard. He could do something with this.

He didn't need Jack or Buttons or even Race to do it for him, no—he was going to create this by himself, make this for Finch and Buttons whenever they were feeling down.

And when he finished his product, he had to admit it wasn't the best thing he'd ever seen. Jack could do better in his sleep, and Buttons could make it with his hands tied behind his back, but Henry loved it because it meant something. The appreciation crown.

Henry ran back to Finch's room, opening the door slightly to find his boyfriend lying on their bed, back facing the door and Henry. He made his way across the room and tapped their shoulder. "Fin?"


"I made you something." Finch turned around and immediately looked at Henry's creation, chuckling lightly as he mumbled, "What the hell is that?"

"It's a crown." Henry waited for them to sit up before placing the crown onto their head, a grand smile on his face. "Because you're as important as a monarch."

Finch laughed, and Henry was happy to see a smile on his face. "Oh, yeah? Which one?"

"Hmm...The Queen?"

"The Queen's dead."

"Oh, shit, yeah", Henry mumbled, brows furrowed in thought as Finch laughed, adjusting the crown in their head. "I don't know, Meghan Markle?"

"I'll take it", Finch accepted, and they placed a kiss onto Henry's cheek. "Merci, mon amour."

Henry smiled, placing a soft but sweet kiss onto Finch's lips. "Gracias, mi vida."


Eyyyy, did you see what I did there? I switched who speaks what language because Finch speaks Spanish and Henry speaks French and them saying thank you in each other's language in like "Yes, I listen to you" and I find that sweet

Anyway, what'd you think? It was meant to be longer, but I didn't know what else to write, so this is what we get lol

Thanks for reading!

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