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I need this, okay? Prince doesn't have the same effect as princess, and it's Jack and Davey.



Jack was a leader. He stepped up to the plate when he needed to and took care of others more than he took care of himself. Even when he missed his swing, he always encouraged the others to make there's, no matter how disappointed he was.

Unfortunately for Davey, he wasn't dating just a leader, but a person. And people complain a lot.

"I'm just saying that my way was better", Jack pressed, sitting on a counter in Medda's kitchen as Davey moved through it, searching for everything he would need to make lunch that afternoon. "It made more sense!"

Davey was half listening, mostly focused on finding his pot. Jack went on rambles all the time, and Davey often kept the conversation going—Jack talked a lot, and did very well with conversation—but this was slightly ridiculous. He'd been talking about baseball plays that Davey would never understand for almost ten minutes.

"I mean, I know I'm not crazy", Jack chuckled, no real humor behind his voice. Davey nodded, closing another cabinet. "I'm right on this one."

"Sure, princess", Davey sighed, moving to open another cabinet filled with basically nothing. He basked in the silence he'd found, but his brows furrowed in confusion. Jack hadn't said anything.

Davey turned back to look at his boyfriend, chuckling when he saw the older man's wide eyes and blush. Davey stood up and placed his back against the stove, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "Princess?"

How could he say it so cooly, as if it wasn't a big deal? Jack was internally freaking out, and Davey just kept using that pet name. Where did it even come from?

There was something about it, though. Jack couldn't put his finger on it, but the way Davey said it, all correct with a bit of a slurred 's', it was perfect. It was a perfect nickname.

"I'm guessing you like that one?"

Of course he did, there's no doubt about it. It was new and fresh—and a little feminizing, but Jack was ignoring that part—and he liked it. For some reason, he liked it.

Davey nodded, chuckling at Jack's lack of response. He stood up with a pot in hand, a small smile on his face. It wasn't teasing or amused, and Jack wondered how he did that. How his eyes conveyed his true emotions while the rest of his face seemed to behave pretty well.

"Alright", Davey clicked his teeth, pointing at his head. "It's goin' in the memory bank."

Jack snickered, his turn to be amused. He crossed his arms, shaking his blush away. He always liked that he could recover quickly. "You're so adorkable."

Davey groaned, walking over to his boyfriend and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, chuckling into it. "Not as adorkable as you."

Jack grinned, their foreheads pressed against one another.


The next morning, Jack hummed awake, responding to the constant shaking he was doing. It was being manually done, and there's only one person who would do that. "I'm tired, Mama. Let me sleep."

"I'm not your mama, Jackie", Davey whispered into the other's ear, making him smile. "Wake up, princess, or else your getting a true loves kiss."

Davey quickly heard long and sharp snores, making him giggle quietly. He pressed kisses all along Jack's face, laughs intermixing with his boyfriend's from that rather approved tickles. He climbed over him with a large smile, sitting upright and waiting. "Jackie."

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