A Different Side of Myself: Part Three-Sprace

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Spot didn't mention anything to Race.

He stuck to their routine, and was happy with it. Race would come home first, Spot coming in after and they'd greet each other before finding a comfortable place on the couch to watch a movie. It was a system he was happy with, much like his relationship.

He knew, however, that he needed to tell Race his piece of news, whether it kept their system or not.

Spot cleared his throat, Race looking toward him. The shorter kept his eyes on the TV in front of him. "You need something?"

"Uh, no", Spot replied, shaking his head. "All good."

Race shrugged before going back to the movie, Spot stealing glances at him. His mind was clouded with worry and judgement, Why are you scared to tell your boyfriend? He wished this was easier than it seemed.

He clears his throat again, grabbing Race's attention. He looked away from the blondes face. "You good?"

Spot nodded mutely, his eyes cast down and away in shame. Race furrowed his brows, worried. "Spot?"

"Hm?" Spot sniffled and glanced toward Race, who placed a hand around his shoulders. His heart was beating fast and he felt out of control, an off-centered feeling filling his chest.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" How could he? He doesn't know what Race would say. He didn't even know what he would say, and he's barely talked this out with himself.

Maybe he should hold this off. He could round it off to popcorn being stuck in his throat, the kernel being uncomfortable. Race would understand and they could stop this. Spot would tell Race eventually, maybe when he understood what was going on, and then they could deal with this.

At the same time, Race meant so much to him. He didn't want to lie to someone he cared about, especially not his boyfriend. If he would even be that after I tell him.

"Um..." This could be the moment. At any second now, Spot could spill his guts. His heart beat faster and he felt himself begin to freak out, his hands rubbing the fabric of his jeans. Oh, God.

"Hey", Race starts, sitting up and facing his boyfriend. "If you need a second, we can do this later. You know, when you're more ready."

Thank God, for Racetrack Higgins. "No", Spot shakes his head, clearing his throat as he looked toward Race. He sighed. "I have to do this now, or I won't do it."

He knew that much. He watched as Race moved to sit in a criss-cross position, blue eyes watching Spot intensely, but his aura completely open and accepting. Spot smiled briefly at him.

"Well", he starts, taking a deep breath so he doesn't pass out. This was it; the make or break moment. "I...I might- Damn it."

Race placed hand on Spot shoulder, a comforting smile on his face. "It's okay. I'm listening."

That might be what I'm afraid of. "Thanks."

"Of course."

Spot took a deep breath, his body relaxing slightly, before blowing everything out. Just say it. "I...I might be aromantic."

Usually, Spot liked the silence. Everything he ever worried about disappeared, and he felt less worry. He could think clearly and hear himself, and it was perfect.

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