Character Things✨(you dont have to read this)

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This is for Roller! You don't have to read this, it's just to help me. But if you're curious, welcome!

1) If her mom died and family left her. She loves them so much.

2) The best thing in her life we're two things: she met Jack again and found out her mom got excepted to a very good job. They both happened the same year.

3) She found out her dad died when she was 10.

4) I guess when her little sister was born? They're four years apart and she held her in the hospital.

5) Roller has a job as an assistant at a popular news outlet, but she doesn't really want it. She's trying to start a podcast, so I guess the second one.

6) "Hi, my name is Roller, and I struggle with how I look."

7) Verrrrrryyyyyy good.

8) She has friends in all five boroughs, so a lot.

9) She'd prefer a select ten, actually.

10) Anyone who offends her or her friends/family, she would gladly make a scene about it.

11) Roller would gladly die for her mom or her sister. She'd rather them to live than to see them die.

12) Roller has a lot of issues communicating and asking for help. She's working on it, but it's a struggle.

13) She really tries to pretend to care about politics and society, but she would rather plug her ears and go to sleep. She thinks there's too many rules made by people the rules don't pertain to.

14) I mean, it's not too different. She's pretty much the same. She may struggle with how she looks but she likes her personality and work ethic.

15) She's afraid of the cops, Spot Conlon, and cockroaches.

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