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I do these a lot, so I can't promise I won't do, like, four.



-He tries to learn every language his friends can speak. He knows Spanish, Italian, Polish, Filipino, French, Brazilian Portuguese, and a little bit of Korean (bc he wanted to).

-He's a giver. He doesn't even buy things half the time, he'll just give it to you. It doesn't mean he has trouble saying no, but it does mean you're getting at least two presents during the holidays.

-Only owns three pairs of shoes.

-His crush was Milo from Atlantis when he was younger, and he's the only one who doesn't find it funny when Crutchie points out that Davey is literally a real-life Milo.

-Himbo. sherlockian_demigod  already knows. Jack's a Hercules kin (or Finn Hudson, if you know who that is).

-He can flirt, and he's good at it, but he can only flirt with the opposite gender. Guys make him panic a little, so he may blush a lot. (Not to say he won't blush if a girl flirts back).

-His favorite color is either orange or purple.

-He's very serious when it comes to video games. He couldn't care less about any other sport, it's video games he wants.

-He has a spot behind his right ear that if you tickle him there he'll snort and laugh.

-He has allergen asthma, which means he could risk death from dust or pollen. (I've written with this headcanon before, then I stopped, but I may start again).

-He couldn't tie his shoes until he was ten.


-#1 most unruly member of the Sunshine Squad

-When he was younger, he noticed his hair was getting darker, so he put lemon juice in it.

-Huge sweet tooth, but then he'll hate sugar for weeks

-He owns roller skates, but never roller skates.

-He's a trackstar that smokes.

-He said he was going to boycot the prom, but went and had the time of his life.

-He learns dances from movies, and is really good at impersonating people.

-He's a good leader, but he doubts himself. He seeks comfort where his friends succeed.

-Definitely one of the most efficient in school because he didn't wait until last minute for service hours

Davey (I have so many)

-He tries to cover his acne scars, and often has to be reminded that no one is going to notice them.

-He looked up to Spider-Man a lot when he was younger because he found someone cool and nerdy. When he got older, he found out Spider-Man was Jewish and was nearly brought to tears.

-Lowkey best friends with Ike.

-Jewish, and proud of it.

-He goes through periods of time in which he doesn't like certain foods, and it's completely random. If he feels he's had too many hamburgers and he watches a hamburger commercial, he'll gag.

-He doesn't know how to swim. Is entire family except his mom can, so they just sit by the pool most of the time.

- (Canon era) He's not rich. He knows he has a lot more than his friends do, so he provides any service he can just to see them laugh and smile.

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