Finch Headcanons

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Here's some Finch ones:)

Here's some Finch ones:)

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-If you're new here, I have a headcanon that Finch is trans and deminonbinary. He has a tattoo of a finch on his ts scars

-I feel like he'd have toned abs and chest as something he'd been working toward especially when he started testosterone

-Again, muscular arms

-nails painted all the time. His hands are "perfect" I guess you could say with everything being the right height and length

-Stick and poke right above his foot

-He/they tattoo on his wrist; above his elbow "Like Spidey, but gayer"; on his shoulder it says "If I cared, I wouldn't tell you"; a trans flag on his middle finger; a deminonbinary flag on his thumb; and an Adult Swim ( [as] ) tattoo on his lower back, but there's definitely more. Maybe one on his knee?

-paints his toenails and wears a size 8

-He lost his booty when he started working out (LEG DAY AVOIDER)

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