Circe and Odysseus-Javey

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simping4musicals and Broadway_Crackers have heard of this idea once. I told you guys I would put on paper, so here it is!

Also, uhhh pretend it's Halloween:D

Oh, and I didn't go with enby Jack or femboy Jack because I was like "Wait. Why can't he just be a man in a dress? Why does he need to label himself, Ferret?" so I dropped it and decided Jack will just me a man in a corset and dress

And I know I've been talking about Circe and Odysseus A LOT but like...likeeeeeee yes. Immediately. That scene messed me up. I can't stop thinking about it. All the feels.



Jack hummed as he stared at himself in the mirror, his brows furrowed in frustration. Something was off.

He couldn't place his finger on it. He'd bought the perfect outfit for himself, and it wasn't uncomfortable. It was a simple cotton dress, made by Sarah, that fit just right, all the way to the cut. They agreed for it to be cut to his knees, just so it was long enough for him to walk in. To be fair, Jack would've tripped otherwise.

And it wasn't the shoes. It had been very hard to find sandals that perfectly resembled what Bernadette Peters had worn in the 1997 "The Odyssey", but with his art skills and Sarah's amazing abilities involving Amazon, he'd managed to find two pairs, one for him and one for Davey.

There wasn't much of another reason for this costume to not be absolutely perfect. Is it the makeup? But Katherine did it perfectly.

Purple eyeshadow covered his eyelids, and gold specks ran away from them, giving him a more majestic look. Even the lipgloss shined brightly, despite it being a similar color to his lips. He'd have to say, Katherine and Sarah had really outdone themselves. He looked fantastic, there's no doubt, but something was off.

"Davey!" He quickly opened the bathroom door and shouted into the hallway, hoping Davey could hear him. "Can you come in here? Ayúdame!"

Before Jack knew it, more focused on his outfit, Davey was on his way into the bathroom, opening the door. "What- Holy fuck."

He was just there, standing there as the hottest man alive. Davey thought he should be on a magazine cover, or someplace where angels got together to talk. He looked heavenly, beautiful, and any other word that was better than "pretty".

Davey stumbled and fell into the door frame, eyes still focused on Jack's waist, made smaller by the gold corset he was wearing. Oh, my God. "Wow."

"Hi!" Jack threw him a sweet smile, one that almost caused Davey to fall to his knees, before turning back to the mirror. "I need your help, Dave."

"O-okay", Davey nodded quickly, ready to do anything for the man in front of him. "Um, what do I need to do?"

"Something from my outfit is missing." That couldn't possibly be true. Jack looked perfect, and Davey wasn't one to use that word lightly. But Jack Kelly definitely was the word in all of its glory in his dress and the makeup—the lipgloss, especially—and the corset.

The corset. He could go on and on about the corset. How it shaped Jack's waist so perfectly, Davey could just place his hands there forever. And the confidence in his boyfriend was unmatched, as if he'd done this so many times before. But Davey really liked how Jack looked in everything. "Is that right?"

"Yeah, I don't know what though", Jack mumbles, running a hand through his hair. The mirror didn't seem to be much of a help, and his mind was running a bit slower than usual, much like David's.

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