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Okay, so, we all saw the last Ikeshot post. If you didn't, thank God because it was horrendous, and not in a good way.

I didn't like writing Ike like that, so I don't know why I posted it. Plus, the ending sucked, and Hotshot punched his brother—a lot was going on. I think I tried to write it like a certain trope in a show for a self-challenge, and needless to say, I'm never doing that again for any show. I hated it.

This one will be better, softer, and less spur of the moment. I'm not feeling violent today, so this will be fluffier.




Ike liked listening to Hotshot talk.

Sometimes, it could be annoying. The taller boy can take things a little too far when it comes to teasing, and at that point, won't stop talking. At times, Ike hides from him. But most of the time, he likes listening to his voice.

"I kind of feel a little bad for him because he just wants to be cool—I mean, who doesn't", Hotshot scoffed. "But he went about it in the wrong ways. I mean, how could he leave his best friend like that?!"

Ike furrowed his brows, sitting up straighter. "Wait, he left Micheal?"

"Yeah, but that wasn't until later", Hotshot explained, making Ike chuckle. "I'll tell you later. Anyway, Jeremy took the pill and had, like, a seizure because it was activating-"

Ike nodded, placing his head in his hand as his boyfriend spoke enthusiastically over something Ike will never watch, mostly because it's being spoiled for him. Hotshot just had such a passion for what he was saying, his hands moving wildly and his face showing every emotion the characters felt when he said their lines. It was wild and a little messy, not to mention not completely in order, but he loved it.

Ike liked when Hotshot talked to him. It sounded simpler than implied, but he did. He knew his boyfriend didn't like being a nerd, fearing he could lose his reputation and people will see him differently. Having spoken to his best friends and Hotshot's best friends, Ike knew they wouldn't. But the thought still lingered.

"No, wait because the SQUIP was like, "I blocked Micheal out of your vision" and I was like what? How could that happen?!" Hotshot shook his head, making Ike smile. "I mean, you're going to allow that?! He's been your best friend for twelve years, and you didn't realize you hadn't seen him all day?"

"It's completely messed up", Ike commented, making Hotshot nod with wide eyes.

"It's completely messed up! And you know what Jeremy did? He-" Hotshot stopped, his face falling suddenly and leaving Ike confused.

What happened? He was just fine. He was speaking clearly and passionately, and Ike could feel himself falling for him more and more. "Why'd you stop?"

"I just realized I was talking too much", Hotshot chuckled, closing himself off. Ike frowned. "Sorry."

Ike shook his head, worried. "No, you weren't. I liked listening to you."

Hotshot raised his brows, a look of hope shining in his eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah", Ike confirmed, a small smile on his face. "I think it's amazing how you keep all of that in your wonderful head, and I want to hear more of it."

Hotshot smiled softly, tapping the table softly. "Okay. Yeah, sure. So, he told the SQUIP to activate the optic-nerve blocking—which is what the action is called—and he stopped seeing Micheal."

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