Date Night-Spralmer

158 7 15

I have to get back to this. I've been slacking lol



Elmer grinned as they ran to the microwave, sliding into the kitchen with their socks. They loved doing that, even though they narrowly missed the microwave. Some of the popcorn kernels were still popping.

Tonight was date night at Spot's apartment. He'd offered to host since he got a new television, and the other three were more than happy to agree. At eight o'clock, on the dot, Elmer might add, they showed up to the apartment, carrying copious amounts of popcorn.

Originally, Spot told them it might've been a bit too much, yet here they were on their fourth bag. Elmer decided they'd have to rub it in his face later. "I'm back!"

Race looked up and grinned, grabbing the bowl out of Elmer's hands and placing it on his thighs, stuffing a hand full of popcorn in his mouth. Elmer shook his head in amusement, moving to sit next to the blonde. "What are we watching now?"

"King Fu Panda", Spot answered, combing his fingers through Albert's hair. The redhead already expressed he was rather tired. Elmer already knew this, noticing how his words start to become mumbles and his sentences becoming shorter, as well as how cuddly he was getting, and Spot was helping to move the process along. "Al's missing most of the movie, though."

Race and Elmer chuckled, Albert too tired to roll his eyes. He was more focused on Spot's hand threading through his hair, most likely making a mess of it. He's positive he doesn't mind, though. "I'm sleepy. What do you expect?"

"You sure you don't want to go to bed?" Elmer grabbed a few pieces of popcorn, popping one into their mouth. "We can turn off the movie and finish tomorrow? It's pretty late, anyway."

Time had in fact slipped through their fingers. Race was supposed to be keeping track of it, but he'd gotten distracted, and before they knew it, it was two in the morning. Albert yawned.

"'S okay", he slurred, and Elmer could see he was trying not to close his eyes. "I've got a...few hours in me."

Elmer frowned, knowing that wasn't true in the slightest. They looked at Spot, who nodded in response. He's got him.

"Hey", Race whispered, grabbing Elmer's attention. The blonde glanced at Albert then back at them. "Wanna make a bet?"

Elmer sighed, shaking their head as they chuckled. It was completely in character for Race to make a bet, and usually, they wouldn't entertain it. "Sure. What about?"

"I say Albert will last twenty minutes into the movie until he falls asleep", Race grinned, the same smirk he makes when he knows he's going to win something. Elmer rolled their eyes.

It was obvious Race was most likely to win this bet. He knew Albert better than anyone—he was the original shoulder he laid on. But Elmer dated him first, and something told them he could last longer than that. "I say he'll last twenty-nine."


"And not a second more."

Race nodded, having respect for the rather bold number. He glanced at Spot, leaning closer to Elmer in order to keep his voice quiet and small. "Ten bucks if I win."

Elmer nodded, a smile on their face. "Deal."

Race nodded and resumed to watching the movie, stuffing more popcorn into his mouth. He was thriving under the knowledge that Spot was unaware that he was betting, even if it was with Elmer. However, there was still a nerve that told him he wasn't entirely off the hook yet.

Spot sat quietly, completely aware that Race and Elmer were betting. He was just far too comfortable, and it was far too late into the night. Plus, Albert was on his way to sleep, and he'd rather not wake him up by lecturing their other boyfriends.

Instead, he sat there, fingers threading through Albert's hair as he lay on his shoulder, eyes fluttering closed every few minutes. Spot looked down on him and smiled softly, kissing his forehead gently. He looked so peaceful and calm, a little different than when he was wide awake. But Spot was used to this, having been Albert's chosen cuddle-buddy since they began dating.

And he was honored to do so.

Albert didn't mind it, either. It took a while for them to get comfortable with each other—Race and Spot having dated while Elmer and Albert dated, until they all realized they shared feelings—and Albert was a bit standoffish when it came to touching. But he remembered the night Spot held him after a nightmare, and how much better he could sleep. Ever since, Albert has made it his job to find someway to touch the older, and it gets worse when he's sleepy.

Albert yawned ferociously, his jaws parting as wide as a lion's. He smacked his lips and snuggled further into Spot's chest, clutching the blanket around them. He felt safe, warm, and secure, so it was no wonder he fell into a peaceful sleep shortly after.

Spot looked down at him when he heard soft snores coming from the redhead, chuckling quietly. He scratched the pads of his fingers against Albert's hair, grinning when he saw a small smile fall onto his lips. "I guess Race won."

Elmer and Race looked over, smiling when they saw Albert in a peaceful bliss. He always looked very pretty when he slept, having the most restful look on his face. Elmer chuckled. "Congrats."

"Thanks", Race whispered, hoping he wouldn't wake Albert up. Elmer and Spot chuckled.

The movie sat ignored, despite it being a favorite. Everyone was too busy talking quietly or staring to pay attention, not that they minded. The night was getting rather old, and they planned to fall asleep before the sun came up. Elmer waited as Race fell asleep after Albert, breathing softly into his lap. They soon fell asleep near the end of the movie, the credits playing through.

Spot looked around at all of his boyfriends, happier than ever. He didn't realize it was possible to have one love, let alone three. And while they slept blissfully, he moved Albert from his chest carefully, turning off the TV and going around every door to check the locks. When finished, he made pace to get back to Albert's side, hoping he hadn't waken him up.

And as he watched sleep—undisturbed, and he was very happy about that—he moved back to wear he sat, placing Albert against his chest as the redhead see fit before placing his head on top of his, falling into a deep sleep of his own.


Alright, I pumped one out.

Writing has been a little hard lately, especially when writing one-shots. It's okay though.

So I made it to vacation🥳 It's a very nice place lol (I might play pool later)

How was this? I feel like I was a little shakey in the beginning, but I like the ending. I also really the headcanon of Albert being less sarcastic and blunt when he's sleepy.

Thanks for reading!

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