Better Than I Thought-Spalbert

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LulaLindaLolipop2  mentioned to me that he'd really like more spalbert, and I couldn't just let that idea go. So, this is for them:)

I hope you enjoy!


"I genuinely don't want to do this", Albert sighed, body limp as he watched Race circle around him. He saw his reflection in the mirror, his stiff shirt and pressed pants making him gag. "I hate dates, man."

"Yeah, but your lonely as shit, and it's sad to watch", Race retorted, laughing and dodging Albert's hand. He tugged his dress shirt down, hoping it would line up with his pants, but Albert was a bit too tall. Race hugged out frustratedly, moving on to his wrists. "We just want to see you happy."

Albert groaned out, turning to face Elmer. "Ellie, tell Race that I don't have to do this."

Elmer offered an amused smiled, swinging their legs back and forth calmly, as if Albert wasn't fighting for his life. "I think you should give it a shot, Al. Maybe you'll like him! And you don't want to be the guy who stood someone up on a date."

"Yeah! He might even be a really great guy, and you'd just be missing out." Albert stared at his reflection in the mirror, anxiety plaguing his chest. He wasn't sure.

Dates never worked for him, even when he dressed his best and most handsome. He always managed to embarrass himself by falling into the table or spilling pasta sauce on his new shirt. It's hard to keep courage when every single time he's tried, he's failed.

But he didn't want to be lonely forever. He wanted someone to have like Elmer and JoJo or Race and Davey; that was the idea. It would be nice to have someone to rely on and care for, even for a little while, even if it lasted three days. It would just be nice to go on a date after months of a hiatus, even if tonight was the worst night Albert's had in years.

He sighed out and felt himself giving up, his fingers adjusting his hearing aid into a more comfortable position. "Who am I looking for when I get there?"

The faces on Race and Elmer let Albert know they'd got him.


All Spot saw was red. Bright, fiery, and enticing red.

He didn't usually fall for redheads, barely thought twice about them, but this guy was cute. He seemed to walk confidently but he was shaking with nerves, and his eyes seemed uncaring but he was clearly searching for him; he was a walking contradiction of himself. Spot could work with that. "Albert?"

The man looked over, a look of relief flashing over his face before he made pace and walked over, Spot standing up in time. "You are Albert DaSilva, right?"

"Yeah", Albert assured, placing his hand out to shake. Spot took it. "And you're Spot Conlon? You look exactly like Race described."

"I try not to disappoint", Spot joked, watching as Albert's lips curved up. He was handsome, even if he was red.

Albert noticed his height naturally, and he noticed it didn't sit right with him. Spot didn't seem like someone who'd be short at all; he was described as someone Albert would have to look up at when talking—which Albert had to admit he liked—whenever he was speaking with Race. Then again, it was hard to talk to Race about anything considering his impulsive need to exaggerate.

"So", Spot cleared his throat, gesturing for Albert to join him at the table. Every gentleman lesson Hotshot taught him floating around his mind. He wondered if any of it was credible considering his boyfriend's, Ike, disappointed looks, but it seemed to be working. Albert seemed okay with it. "How are you?"

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