Slow Mornings-Spavey

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I'm so lonely, it's not even funny anymore. It's just, like...I want to be with someone but I'm picky about people because not everyone is my kind of person and nor am I their's. My friends are getting their chances and I'm just...alone.

It sucks. But this is what I'd like to do with my partner if I ever get one.



Davey traced his lips with his finger, the cracked skin under the pad of his pointer finger scratching at it, making its mark. He could feel Spot's breath on his nail, cooling his warm hands. He glanced at Spot's eyes, looking into them and wishing he could drown there.

So compelling they were to make him wish to die in the irises of his brown eyes. How sinful it was to wish death upon oneself, yet Davey found himself worshipping Spot over his own god, over his own beliefs. If Spot was a religion, Davey was guaranteed a place in his heaven, which would be laying with him, like this.

Spot held him in his arms, chest to naked chest; the warmth of their skin bounced from each other like that of the rays of a mirror, raising the overall temperature of the room. Davey leaned into Spot's touch, the tracings on his back with his finger, as if he was painting a masterpiece with his imagination.

They breathed in unison and spoke little. Spot couldn't help but trace the shape of Davey's brows with his eyes, and smile softly at how messy they looked. His hair was no better, sitting atop his forehead, dried and salty. He placed a kiss to Davey's nose tenderly, moving his fingers to rhythmically move up and down across Davey's skin.

The hairs on Davey's skin stood up, and Spot could feel it when he touched light enough. He never thought he'd be in love with someone so innately human, so much of a person that there could never be a better example, but the beauty of a God and the mind of a hero, two forces so used to fighting each other, it was impossible to believe they allied to create Davey. Spot never felt he was real.

Davey waved his finger over the skin of Spot's lips, and he imagined them on him, laying kisses to every inch of his skin and being responsible for the bruises that would show in their own time, lighting a fire in his belly. They reminded him of the power Spot's words held, how Davey was sure he'd do anything asked, as long as it came from his mouth. A spear of breath touched him as Shia mouth parted.

"You look so cute right now", Spot whispered, chuckling as Davey laughed quietly. He pulled him in impossibly closer, tangling their legs within each other. "You're so damn cute."

Davey hummed, closing his eyes as Spot placed pecked kisses onto his neck, and he smiled. His fingers made their way to Spot's hair and trapped themselves in it, scratching at his scalp comfortingly. "Thank you."

Spot chuckled into Davey's neck, lingering in his kisses, enjoying the heat of Davey's neck on his mouth. He placed a kiss to his boyfriend's pulse point and sighed when Davey gasped in surprised. "You're so beautiful."

"Thank you", Davey repeated, nuzzling his head into Spot's shoulder. "You're warm."

The two men wrapped within each other past the sunrise, completely consuming the other as far as they could. Davey felt the sun's rays spoil his skin, and Spot stared at him: the glow of the sun illuminated one side of his face with red, orange, and yellow, projecting the curve of Davey's lounging body onto the wall. Spot traced it with his hand, squeezing his hip and thigh, committing the feel of it to memory; he'd always been tactile.

Davey rolled pieces of Spot's hair between his fingers, tugging his curls into straighter locks. He found himself unable to look away from the depths of Spot's eyes, willing himself to walk into them and search within, to see what he would find. He imagined he'd find gold or all else valuable, and he'd keep it in his clutches but he'd never leave Spot's eyes. They were always warm and caring toward him; they were paradise.

Davey hummed, blinking slowly. "I just...want stay here with you all day."

Spot chuckled softly, placing a kiss to Davey's collarbone and breathing him in, leaving his head in the connection between Davey's neck and his shoulder. "Yeah?"

Dave nodded, running his hands through Spot's hair, feeling his scalp beneath his nails, grounding him to earth, but pulling him deeper into the forests of affection, of which he'd happily get lost in.

"You're so special to me."


I like this one better. Let me know what you all think?

It's a shortie, but I think it might also be good. 1am writing does me good.

Thanks for reading!!!

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