Night of My Life-Javid

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Warning: Drinking; Flirting. Like, HEAVY flirting. I held back, but they're also at a bar🤷🏾‍♀️

Also, Davey's doing ALL of it MUHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA

All characters are over 21.



Davey didn't understand why he had to go out tonight.

He was completely fine with staying in, reading a book under a blanket. But Sarah and Katherine claimed that they should go out on a Friday night, that Davey deserved to take the night off. Davey would argue that they had classes next week that they needed to study for, but he got into Sarah's car anyway.

They pulled into the parking lot of a bar—a gay bar, Davey later learned—and Davey could tell it was filled with people. Sarah and Katherine were beaming with excitement, holding hands and practically skipping their way in. Davey hung back, walking achingly slow.

As soon as his sister opened the door, he was bombarded with loud music and even louder people, drinks clinking and people chattering. The room seemed inherently country themed, and Davey could only wonder what good that would do in New York.

"Sar", he started, following his sister quickly to the bar. He smiled at the bartender briefly, hoping he didn't seem rude. "What are we doing here?"

"Uh, having fun", Sarah answered, downing the shot Davey didn't even see her order. She laughed at Katherine's pained face. "You need to loosen up!"

"I am loose", Davey nearly shouted, blushing when he noticed a few men at the bar look his way. He cleared his throat. "I just...this isn't my kind of thing."

"Listen, Davey", Katherine sighed, placing her glass down. "We're here to help you have fun. You need to live a little of a lot, and that doesn't mean living in the books you carry everywhere."

Davey only wished he had a book right now, but the girls tore it out of his hands before they left. "Just have some fun. Don't even think about it."

He wanted to. He didn't see this as his kind of fun, but he couldn't deny the urge to want to be involved. He looked around the room nervously, hoping nobody would judge him. He nodded.

Maybe the girls were right. There is different kinds of fun. And he's young—a great 22 years of age! If this is the kind of fun kids his age were having, maybe he should have it, too.

In the wist of pure impulse, Davey grabbed a shot glass and downed it, listening to the cheers of Sarah and Katherine.


He wasn't drunk. Yet.

Shockingly, he wasn't all that much of a light-weight. He'd had beer before—not too much, but he did buy the occasional six pack—but he'd never consumed this much alcohol all at once. He was buzzed at the very most, and he was enjoying it.

No one had bothered much to come up to him, mostly looking for the chance to flirt with someone. He didn't mind, though. His eyes were trained on someone else.

At the pool table, a guy stood with a pool stick and chatting it up with his friends, laughing and drinking and doing absolutely nothing. He wore a cowboy hat and smiled big, seeming to be loosing the game rather poorly. Davey thought he was absolutely adorable.

He watched as the Pool Table Guy shot the cue ball, shouting in glee when he'd manage to place another ball into the pits. Davey chuckled, sipping his drink tentatively. All of his attention was on him.

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