Going In Blind-Elmer Boy(?)

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So, this is a rare pair, just not one in the series. I'm saving that. (It is in the series, I just meant that this story isn't.)

So, I don't write Tommy Boy a lot (mostly bc I forgot he existed don't hate me) but this was so much fun. Also, thanks to @Broadway_Crackers for the ship. Speaking of which, I think it should have a ship name? My bet is on Elmer Boy.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


Elmer wasn't used to this.

They didn't see themselves as the type to go on most dates, especially not with people they didn't know, but Race and Crutchie promised this guy was really nice. Maybe a little shy before you get to know him, but who isn't?

"I'm scared crapless, Crutch", Elmer sighed, straightening out their shirt. "I mean, what if I do something stupid?"

"You just said the word, "crapless", Race pointed out, busy giving himself a manicure. "The red dotted line says that's not a word."

"You'll be fine, El", Crutchie assures, and Elmer couldn't help but to smile with him. "If you need it, I'll get the rest of the Sunshine Squad and we can shower you with aggressive compliments."

Elmer laughed, shaking their head. "That's not needed, thanks."

"El, dude, you look amazing", Race assured, grabbing one of the younger's nail polishes. "You guys ever notice how "polish" and "Polish" are literally the same word but pronounced differently? It's a trip."

"You'll be fine", Crutchie promised, walking over to his best friend, who was pouting in the mirror. "Specs hooked you up with nice clothes, Race gave you some flirting pointers, and Tommy Boy is a really nice guy."

Elmer took a deep breath, closing their eyes and taking Crutchie's words into consideration. Maybe he was right. Even though this is a blind date, meaning they have never seen this guy before, he probably won't try to kill them. Most people wait for the third date to do that. "Your right."

"I know", Crutchie nodded, making Elmer laugh. "Now, get out of my house and get you a boyfriend."


"Blue shirt, blue jeans, brown sweater", Elmer muttered to themself, searching all over Central Park for that very description. They hummed, brows furrowed in frustration. "Specs would die if they saw someone dressed like that."

This was the second hardest part. Why couldn't Crutchie and Race have them meet this guy at the mall, or something? It probably would've been a lot less crowded, and a lot less people wearing those exact clothes. They've been through too many incidents of trying to find this person, and one girl tried to flirt with them.

But they assumed not very many people would tap their shoulder, and not very many people would stay right after they turned around. "Hi."

"Hi." Elmer looked this guy over, wondering if they were in any danger. He wore a blue collared shirt and dark blue jeans, a brown sweatshirt tied around his waist. His vans were scruffy and obviously used, and his hair went every which way. He had brown-ish eyes that were easy to look at, and a shy smile on his face.

He's actually kind of cute, Elmer thought, placing their own smile on their face. I'm intrigued. "Are you Elmer?"

"Uh, yeah", they agreed, a smile on their face. "I'm hoping you're Tomás?"

"Tommy Boy", he answered, placing his hand out. Elmer grabbed it, shaking it softly. "Kind of weird I ended up with a nickname longer than my actual one."

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