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My favorite rare pair. Oh, how much I love it.

I wanted to write something funny. And you know what's funny in a relationship? Banter. You know what's even funnier? Gruff banter. I figured Spot and Jack would be the most fitting for this.



Spot woke up, having slept rather roughly. Jack kept hogging the blankets, and he snored louder than usual. Spot was awake for half of the night trying to snatch the blanket out of his arms, and the other trying to find different remedies to his loud snoring.

Thankfully, it was morning, and Spot could tell him all about it. "Jack?"

The shorter hummed, not turning over to acknowledge his husband. Spot poked him softly. "What?"

"Turn over", Spot instructed, sitting up in bed. "I wanna tell you something."

He waited for his husband to turnover to look at him, rolling his eyes when he noticed the heavy breathing similar to when Jack was asleep. "Jack?"

Spot placed a hand on his cheeks, ready to turn his face toward him, before his eyes widened in horror. He pulled his palms away quickly, feeling Jack's forehead. "Jesus, you're hot!"

Jack chuckled, pulling the blanket higher. "Thank you."

"Shut up. You have a fever, dumbass."

"Hey, that's mean", Jack slurred, clearly unaware of what he was saying. "Ape disapproves."

Spot chuckled, running a hand through Jack's curls. His hair was soft and slightly knotted from sleep, but Spot didn't mind. "I'll have to be your nurse today."

Jack groaned, finally turning to look at his husband. "But you're a mean nurse."

"It's not mean just because I won't let you out of bed."

Jack whined, making Spot frown. "I'm...tired."

Spot sighed, nodding. He could've guessed as much. Jack wasn't the best at hiding his feelings, none of the people he was around were. "I know. Get some sleep."

Jack cuddled back into the pillow, Spot sighing concernedly.


Spot whistled as he walked in the room, carrying a tray of soup and saltine crackers. There was a cup of water sitting the in corner of the tray, the liquid sloshing around in the glass. "Hey, wake up."

Jack hummed before opening his eyes slowly, moving to sit up with time. Spot sat near his legs, a proud look on his face. "Did you make this for me?"

"Well, I wouldn't make it for Mrs. Taler down the street", Spot replied sarcastically. Jack didn't have the energy to roll his eyes. The shorter grabbed the bowl of soup and the spoon as Jack opened his mouth.

Spot furrowed his brows. "What?"

"I'm not feeding you, grab the bowl." Jack nodded, shaking his head with an amused smile. He grabbed the bowl and waited has Spot pushed the tray closer to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, I'm not exactly up for a light jog and a marathon", Jack joked, bringing the metal spoon to his mouth. Spot rolled his eyes, placing his arm to rest on Jack's legs. "Your soup is good."

"Great, there's plenty more in the kitchen", Spot grinned, Jack's eyes widening as he realized what that meant.

Jack hated soup, especially if it was served consistently. He hated eating the same thing over and over again, which meant he and Spot rarely ate the same thing on leftover nights. In turn, he tried his hardest not to get sick.

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