FreeNoodles (Tang x Pigsy)

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"You still haven't given me my money yet.." Pigsy muttered as Tang wrapped his arms around him from behind.

"I also haven't returned your shirt yet.." Tang added, smiling mindlessly.

With an annoyed sigh, Pigsy continued to cook as Tang clung to him, burying his face into his shoulder and neck.

"You're lucky I don't have work today.." Pigsy mumbled, slightly annoyed.

"Sure, Pigsy.." Tang muttered, just happy to be with his husband.

Pigsy lay on the couch, Tang lay on top of him.

"Tang, get off of me, Mk is supposed to be stopping by the house today," Pigsy said, sighing.

"" Tang mumbled in reply, snuggling Pigsy.

"Tang, you need to get up." Pigsy insisted. His face turning a bit red.

"" He said sleepily, giggling a bit.

"Tang, I'm not gonna ask again, get. UP!" He said, yelling now, but Tang refused, just giggling at Pigsy's anger.

"Mk is gonna be here any minute, and I can't give him lunch if you're layin' on top of me!" Pigsy tried to reason with his sleepy husband, but he wouldn't budge.

Eventually the door opened, and in walked Mk, Mei, and Sandy, along with his cat, Mo.

"Oh, are we interrupting..?" Sandy asked innocently, peering through the cracked door.

"No, Tang won't move! Tang, get up! I need to cook the gang food now!" He said, but Tang just fell asleep.

"Are you kidding me?!" Pigsy muttered, completely red, Mei giggled, snapping a picture.

"DELETE THAT PICTURE, NOW!" Pigsy said, pulling out a wooden spoon, throwing it at Mei.

Mei quickly dodged as the spoon hit the wall, then fell on the floor.

"Chill out, Pigsy!" Mei chuckled, showing MK.

"When I put Tang in bed, you're done for!" Pigsy said, heaving Tang up, holding him and carrying him upstairs.

"They're perfect for eachother!" Mk said, grinning.

"Our ship has finally sailed!" Mei cheered, giving Mk a high-five.

"NOW DELETE THAT PHOTO, MEI!" Pigsy yelled, sprinting at Mei with yet another wooden spoon, Mei began to run around the house as Pigsy chased her.

Eventually the running came to an end, Sandy brought his tea blend and Pigsy made his noodles, as they set the coffee table up, Tang walked downstairs with a red blanket wrapped around him.

"What happened?" Tang muttered, rubbing one of his eyes, his glasses slightly pushed up.

"You wouldn't get offa' me all day!" Pigsy scoffed, Mei giggled.

Tang wrapped Pigsy in the blanket along with himself as Pigsy sipped some of the tea. Tang sipped some aswell.

Everyone feasted on the meal as they talked. Pigsy placed the tea on the coffee table, falling asleep with Tang.

"Did they just fall asleep..?" MK asked, looking at Tang, who was now comfortably in Pigsy's arms.

"Awee, they look so peaceful!" Sandy said quietly, smiling.

The rest of the gang decided to clean up after themselves and left.

A few hours later, the two woke up.

"What happened..?" Pigsy muttered to himself, then looked at the tea.

"Sandy must've given us some sleepy time tea..!" He said, adjusting his glasses.

Pigsy reached over and picked up the tea, sipping some more, it was still warm, so Tang also had some, they continued to sleep peacefully throughout the rest of the night.

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