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requested by @cowgirlchicken

(I am SO sorry for how long you've waited for this request, I hope you enjoy this oneshot and thank you for your patience! <3 also i might edit this later)

(this happened when Mk got the key to LBD's tomb, this was Red Son's first attempt at getting the key.)

Sandy and the gang were on his ship that day, and Red Son had stopped by to cause some trouble for the group.

"Peasants! It is I, Red Son!" Red Son announced as he jumped aboard on a red motorcycle, then continued his little monologue, fist up and eyes closed.

Eventually Mk got tired of just standing there and Red Son didn't look like he'd be stopping any time soon, so he took out his staff and whacked Red Son with it from afar.

"I will-" Red Son continued before the staff collided with his head making the Taco Bell ding sound effect play, Red Son fell off his motorcycle and onto the floor unconscious.

Sandy got a fireproof bag and gently slid Red Son into it, the little fire demon sleeping kinda peacefully in the sack.

After a few minutes, the ship had successfully left out into the open sea, leaving the gang able to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.

"Whuh.. where.. am I...?!" A voice muttered to itself from the fireproof sack, the voice was a confused and drowsy Red Son.

"DO YOU PEASANTS HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?!" Red Son yelled angrily from the bag, flailing his arms and legs in an attempt to break free from the bag after realizing his fire wasn't going to work.

"Chill out, Red Boy!" Mei said to Red Son cheerfully, grinning.

"Dragon horse girl?! If you're here, then that means..." He began, then continued.

"YOUR PEASANT FRIENDS ARE HERE TOO, ARENT THEY?!" Red Son yelled, struggling in an attempt to get free.

"Yup!" Mk exclaimed as Red Son grunted in frustration as he flailed his arms and legs more.

"LET ME GO THIS INSTANT, YOU NOODLE-BRAINS!-" Red Son continued, kicking and punching more.

"That won't do you any good, Red Son! That right there is a Red Son-proof sack!" Mk announced triumphantly as he grinned.

"So uh, what're we gonna do with him..?" Tang asked, Mk turned to him.

"I honestly have no clue.." He whispered as Pigsy yelled.

"YOU MEAN WE CAPTURED HIM BUT WE DONT EVEN HAVE A PLAN?! ARE YOU GUYS OUT OF YOUR MINDS?!" His voice boomed as Red Son overheard, smiling.

"HA! You fools don't even have a plan!" Red Son laughed.

"Oh, i'm sorry, want me to knock your evil butt out again, Red Boy?" Mk snapped with a sassy grin on his face as Mei barely managed to repress a chuckle.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" Red Son yelled, his fist making its way through the opening of the sack where it was tied, everyone began to scream in panic.

Red Son eventually agreed to calm down and formed a small truce since they were kinda far from the city and out on the water.

Red Son wobbled around on the ship feeling nauseous as his cheeks grew more green by the second.

After a few more seconds of stumbling around, he finally caught onto the railing and leaned on it, his upper body facing the waves.

"Is he.. okay?" Mk asked as he tucked one shoulder over the corner of the couch, sitting on it with the others as Tang shrugged, still watching the TV infront of him.

"Eh, he asked for it coming onto the ship like this, serves him right." The scholar said as he looked back, chucking a bit as Red Son barfed in the distance.

"I'm gonna take that as a no." Mk muttered to himself, looking back at the TV.

[Accidental Immortality] [Lego Monkie Kid Oneshots]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora